Chapter 23

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"How did the meeting go?" Malachi asks, as I enter my office and plop down into the chair. I slide a brown envelope across the desk, and he opens it. His mouth hangs open and he says, "You actually managed to buy an entire company in one day..."

I nod, "It took a lot out of me. Like, that was four hours of my life I will never get back. But starting tomorrow I have the ownership," I stretch my arms behind my head and close my eyes. 

"You seem bothered, though for some major accomplishment," 

I don't respond. I just lay back and breathe... as if this would fucking work. My hands curl into a fist behind my head and my eyes squeeze hard. I feel as if the blood vessels in my head are going to burst from the ear full of insults that were hurled at me by that wench. I can't believe I just sat there and allowed her to speak to me that way. 

"Tempest," Malachi calls, a bit concerned at my current state, "What's wrong with you?"

The door opens, as do my eyes.

Elias walks in with papers in his hands. His eyes don't leave mine as he heads to Malachi and places them on the desk. His brows furrow, questioningly, as if he has already read the room and figured out something is wrong with me.

"What's going on?" he asks.

"I was asking the same thing before you walked in," Malachi replies.

They both turn their attention to me and wait for my response.

"I went to see Amanda, my aunt after the meeting with the advertisement company. Since I had some time to spare," I start, going through my day, "I called her and planned to treat her to breakfast before discussing my plans to co-own the hotel franchise that is under her name. Not only does she arrive a whole hour late, but she came with the nastiest attitude, as expected. But I didn't really care much, because I just went in and told her about how Kindle was helping me, without specifying the details. I asked her politely and made sure not to cause any unnecessary problems..." I take a moment to catch my breath in the middle of my venting.  My hands find their place on my knees as I find the words to explain what went down. "And then... she said some nasty things,"

I stare at the ground.

Am I supposed to be like my idiot sister and comply with your demands? Honestly, do you think you can put on your fancy little suit and just tell us what to do? What did you threaten Kindle with?

I didn't threaten her. I just offered a great deal where we can both benefit, Amanda.

Yeah, save your rainbow and sunshine shit for someone else. I don't understand the sudden formality, Tempest. The last time we talked, you threw water at my face and choked me in a room full of grown men. You didn't say jack shit when the inheritances were announced, did you? Why are you suddenly pleading for a deal now?

I wasn't aware of how much it would affect my job-

Your job? Do you call being a drug trafficker a job? You're going to end up like your goddamn junkie father... That's what you people are known for anyway.

You people? I am sorry, I don't think right now is the time to make a racial remark nor is it the time to mention my family. All you had to do was agree or disagree with my offer and I would have resolved anything else myself.

The last time we saw each other, you told me not to mention your mother. What? Are you telling me you actually liked that abusive motherfucker too?

It took me a moment.

It took me a moment to grasp onto sanity.

"And then?" I hear Malachi ask, "What happened?

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