Chapter 14: Siege (rewritten)

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Author's Note:

I made a big mistake with the direction I took this book, and the longer it went on, the harder it became for me to ignore. I've decided to go back to the moment where I made the mistake, chapter 14, and rewrite it and all chapters after it. This is the rewritten chapter. I'm sorry for publishing so much and now changing it, but I have to do this, because the story was not in a good place.

The end of this chapter has been rewritten. I've deleted the old versions of chapter 14 to 20. The palace is gone. I'm taking the story in a different direction, 'restarting' from chapter 14.

The wind carries the roars of the vampires hacking at Dinore's front gate. We're on the opposite side of the village, but I don't have to see them to know that with their strength, they'll be through in minutes, and then the murder will begin.

I've stopped just a few yards away from Ohan. He's resting the head of his axe on his shoulders. "Julia?" He raises an eyebrow. "'Tis not safe for ya' here. Go and wait by the supplies till ya' master returns."

He still considers me an ally, even if it is with the status of a pet. It was dark when Rahlan and I exited the tunnel, but I'm certain that the tree just behind Ohan is the one that marks the exit. The wooden cover is still closed, and it's too well camouflaged for me to pick out from here. Maybe Ohan hasn't discovered it and he's simply following Rahlan's instructions to guard the area.

I walk forward.

He raises his free hand, the other one still balancing the huge axe on his shoulder. I stop.

"Sorry child, but no one passes through the tunnel," he says. "Orders from ya' master himself."

He knows about the tunnel, but he's still here to serve Rahlan. I just need him to understand that letting me pass will be for Rahlan's benefit too. "I'm going to rescue Mia, his sister," I say.

He shakes his head. "None pass, under any circumstance, by the threat of my axe."

I managed to convince Ella of my plan. Maybe I can convince him too. "Don't you want to help save her? It's the whole reason we're here."

He frowns. "While that may be ya master's desire, 'tis not his will for me. Every man cannot act on his own and hope for victory. Stay back, child. I do not wish to injure ya'."

He's not as malleable as I hoped. I take another step closer, eyeing a square patch of dark moss behind him. It must be the tunnel's exit.

"Child, please." He swings his axe off his shoulder and moves his feet apart. The axe is facing the wrong direction – with the blade up and the blunt edge down. He's hoping that he'll be able to incapacitate me with the dull side of the axe, but with his strength, I imagine any blow would be fatal.

If I turn back now, Rahlan will rage through the village, killing Zaray, Larazin, and all the innocent people who live there. I can't walk away. My fingers find the hilt of my sword on my back, and I draw it from the sheath.

Ohan shakes his head, disappointed. He doesn't want to do this. His feet remain stationary, not stepping forward to engage. He'll only strike me if he has to – if I move closer to the tunnel.

I take off, running around him in a semicircle, heading for the tunnel. With his vampire speed, he lunges to intercept my path. My feet slide against the dirt as I struggle to overcome my own momentum.

He swings his axe from the side. I duck to the ground, gritting my teeth in anticipation of the impending pain. The axe goes flying over my head, missing by just inches. Its weight pulls Ohan's arm well past me, giving me a moment to jump back to my feet before he can swing it around again.

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