Chapter 11: Interrogation

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Rahlan and I trudge through the forest throughout the afternoon. While we've walked a long way, the constant need to change direction to avoid locals and confuse any potential trackers means that we haven't made it very far from Dinore and the castle.

Rahlan's been carrying Paral's unconscious form on his shoulders this whole time, and I've taken both the bags on my back. He freed my wrists after we retrieved our bags, but I haven't had the chance to sit down and remove the loop of rope that was left tied around my neck.

Now that Rahlan has reacquired his weapon, my blood-tainted sword is back in the sheath on my back, hidden between my shoulders. He murdered a man with my sword. After the invasion of Litton, the soldiers of Urko are technically our enemies, but that man didn't even have the chance to show hostility towards us. It happened so fast. Rahlan killed him before the fight even began. While I know that most soldiers would choose to fight, there was always the chance that he would've backed off or surrendered, but he didn't even have that choice. His only deed against us was being a member of the nation that invaded our home and threatens to kill Mia, both actions out of his control.

I glance up at Rahlan, still carrying the limp body over his shoulder. His eyes are forward, burning with determination and focused on the path ahead – as always. Before today, the last time Rahlan had killed someone was when he fought Neil and his two companions. I heard their screams when they died, but being in the barn, I didn't actually see it happen. Rahlan seemed so terrifying back then, like an unstoppable creature that nature had created just to murder other beings. After all the time I'd spent living with him, it appeared as if that side of him had been tamed, but now that there's pressure on him, he's returned to that terrifying state, cutting down anyone in his way.

He didn't even hesitate to take that man's life. When hiding the sword on the sheath on my back, I assumed that he'd only use it in an emergency for protection, or just as a threat to get others to cooperate, but it appears that his plan was to murder a guard from the start. I don't say anything, because I know that he had every reason to do it. Upon meeting Prince Paral, Rahlan's deceit would have been revealed and the guard would have killed us. Rahlan's only doing what he thinks is necessary to save his sister, and he's tackling problems the way he always does – with violence.

The woods open up to a small field. With a grunt, Rahlan places Paral beside a tree trunk.

We're finally stopping. I drop the bags with a sigh, rolling my shoulders with relief.

Rahlan straightens his coat and cape, and my eyes linger on Paral's unconscious form. I keep my distance from him. While Paral may not appear that intimidating with his gold-blond hair and young features, he's still a male vampire, meaning that he's both stronger and faster than me. For all I know, he could have woken up an hour ago and is currently waiting for the best opportunity to strike. I don't plan on making myself that opportunity.

Exhausted from carrying the extra weight, Rahlan takes a seat on a large rock.

After digging the waterskin out of the bag, I sit beside him. I take a sip of water, my gaze still on Paral. It's only now beginning to sink in that we've taken someone captive. Being taken captive was one of the worst experiences that I've lived through. I felt like my life was worth nothing, and I was powerless to protect myself. The lingering fear that I would be hurt or killed hung over me like a noose, and now here I am, on the other side of it. While I didn't take Paral captive, it wouldn't have been possible without me, and now I'm free, but this man a few feet from me has his hands bound together.

The king of Urko has Rahlan's sister, a once noble bride, as a prisoner, and now Rahlan has taken his son, Prince Paral, as his own prisoner. Rahlan can trade the prince's life for his sister's.

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