Chapter 9: The Rope

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Important Author's Note:

Chapter 8: Secrets has been changed! Please go back and read the new version before reading this.

I stop beside Rahlan. He keeps most of his body hidden behind a tree trunk, so I do the same. A stone wall ahead of us marks the perimeter of a castle. The forest canopy overhead prevents me from seeing the full height of the wall, but it also shields us from the soldiers on the ramparts.

The sun is still climbing in the sky. It was a quick walk here from Dinore, which suggests that the lord of this castle also owns that village. They are paired together, just like Litton and Litton village. If we had ridden on Mittens and Ari, we'd have been here in an hour. I'm saddened that we had to leave them behind, but I know that finding Mia must be put first. The life of a person should always be held above that of an animal – that I will never compromise on, as I remember what it felt like to have my life traded for a horse.

My eyes scan along the wall, and soon I'm able to make out the corners despite the foliage blocking my view. The castle is about as wide as Litton, though I imagine it has far more men inside, as Litton was severely under guarded.

"Is Mia in there?" I whisper. My voice stays low, as I'm not sure how well the vampires on the wall can hear.

He nods. "'Tis the prince's castle, Mia's home."

They must be keeping her inside, a prisoner in her own home. Castles are designed around guarding their keeps, meaning the keep would make the perfect prison cell for a valuable noblewoman. I wouldn't be surprised if her rotten prince of a husband is keeping her near for his own pleasure.

"Are we going to climb up the wall?" I ask. During the siege of the human city, Rahlan jumped from a tree to the wall and pulled me up after him.

"No need. The gate lies open." He begins tracking around the castle, keeping his distance from the wall.

I follow after him. We are going in through the front door.

We stop a few yards short of the open road that leads to the castle, remaining hidden in the bushes. Rahlan takes off his cape and coat, folding and packing them away. His sword and sheath are also unclipped from his belt and packed in the bag.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Changing my appearance," he says. Rahlan's cape with its intricate design sets him apart from most vampires, showing off his wealth. The only other vampire I remember with a cape like that was Lord Soran, another noble.

"Do I also need a disguise?" I ask.

"Yes." He reaches into the bag and pulls out a rope.

My heart jumps in my chest at the sight of it. "Really?" I'm nearly certain that it's the same rope he used to tie me to the chair over our dinner fight.

"I shall be the trader." His hand lands on my shoulder, yanking me forward and spinning me around so my back is against his chest. "And you shall be the slave," he says into my ear, making me shiver. Before I have a chance to protest, the rope is looped around my neck. He certainly doesn't seem all that torn up about it.

"I hate being the slave," I mumble. I will help in any way I can to rescue his sister, but I just wish that it didn't have to be so humiliating.

He joins my wrists together in front of me, looping the rope around them and tying another knot. The cord now leads from my neck to my wrists, ending in a long lead that he'll hold on to like a leash.

"At least you have the experience needed for a convincing performance," he says.

I let out a slow mumbled laugh, showing my displeasure. This would be far easier if I didn't have the memories of living as a slave, however short a time that was. Just being bound again makes my stomach twist. Even though I know that Rahlan wouldn't turn me into a slave, my subconscious can't help but worry that these bindings will become the norm once again.

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