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💜Family of hoes💜


My children have been bad


Don't be to hard on them


Shut your mouth or your sleeping on the couch


Whats wrong?


Whats wrong?!!!

Is that a seriouse question!!




Hi 😁


Dinner at my house don't be late

Eomma left the chat


Okay what was that


I think Jin is mad


You think!!

Fix it or I will be sleeping on the couch

And you don't want me to sleep on the couch

Namjoon left the chat



Tonight you need to explain chim!


You to Tae!

Chim left the chat

Tae left the chat

☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆

Jimin was laying on his bed looking at his phone. He wasn't feeling like going to that dinner with a mad Jin.

But he had to because if he didn't go he would have an extra mad Jin, a mad Namjoon and a dissapointed Taehyung after him.

And you don't want that!

Jimin lazely got of his bed and put an outfit on. His jibooty still hurt a bit but it was bearable.

"Ugh I will never let them near me ever again." Jimin sighed.

Jimin grabbed his jacked from the floor and walked out of the apartment. Jin's house was only ten minutes away so Jimin just walked.

After ten minutes he arrived and already saw his and Taehyungs car that Taehyung took infront of the house. So he was the last one to arive.

*Knock Knock*

"There you are." Namjoon said you could hear the relief in his voice. "Come in."

"Ah there is my other naughty child." Jin said when he saw Jimin. "H-hi Jin." Jimin nervously said. Because when Jin was mad he could be pretty scary.

"Now let's eat shall we?" Namjoon saved Jimin. They all sat at the dinner table. Taehyung next Jimin and the Kims on the other side.

They were eating silently when Jin broke the silence. "So do you guys why Eomma is mad?" 

Taehyung and Jimin looked at eachother. "Uhh." They both said to eachother before staring again.

"Yah stop staring at eachother and anwser me." Jin said. 

"Well maybe because I didn't tell you I had a boyfriend?" Taehyung said. "And maybe because I didn't tell you eather." Jimin added.

"You guys finally grew some brain." Jin sighed. "And yeah that's the reason. So now explain."

After a long conversation where Jimin adn Taehyung both explained it towards Jin they were all good again.

"Okay so to sum up, you are in a relationship with your boss Jungkook but before that he was not your boss when you two texted eachother. But afterwards you doubt whether it went too fast because of yes........your ex. And you slept with your boss and his boyfriend when you went to the club and then the next morning you were very confused and then you told each other your feelings and now the three of you are in a relationship. And you have doubts about the fact that you don't understand how its real " Jin said.

"Yes." Both Jimin and Taehyng said.

"Well for you Taehyung I would say just go slow and he needs to lisen to you but because of the fact that he has also been cheated on I think there is a low change he would do it on you. But if he will just say that he will be dead......and I will do in a slowly and painfull way."

"And for you Jimin it will be fine. Also take it easy and indicate what you do and don't want. And talk about your doubts." Jin smiled.

"Okay so I don't need to sleep on the couch anymore." Namjoon said.

"I will think about it." Jin smirked.

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