Part 60: Long Cold Winter

Start from the beginning

It was a beautiful day but just sitting outside while they worked did little to quell the wicked case of cabin fever washing over Tommy.

"Because you can't get your sutures wet," she informed him for the hundredth time. Somehow she held back an eye-roll while he sulked, focusing back on her laptop while she sorted through Tommy's emails.

"What about the Fairway to Heaven Golf Tournament? They are asking if you want to play this year."

Tommy huffed and shot her a dumb look gesturing to his healing shoulder.

"Do I look like I can swing a club right now?"

"It's not until September."

Ashten had learned a lot in the past year about how Tommy liked to spend his downtime. To her utmost surprise, she discovered he loved to play golf and had participated in several charity tournaments over the years.

"Maybe. Can we change the music?"

"What's wrong with Garbage?" Ashten raised an eyebrow as the bridge of "I Think I'm Paranoid" played from the outdoor speaker.

Instead of answering, Tommy shrugged and made a face of indifference.

"It's your house. If you want new music, go change it."

He produced an eye roll and lit a cigarette before wandering into the house.

Ashten sighed and tapped at the laptop keys while listening to him flip through the different channels on his Sirius radio. Tommy's moodiness over the past few days was wearing on her patience and his indecisiveness on a music selection made her want to jump out of her skin.

Or beat him to death. She wasn't entirely sure which.

After about fifteen different channel changes, she sauntered into the house in search of alcohol. Beer, wine— anything to soothe her irritation.

Mercifully, Tommy soon settled on a channel playing an old Rolling Stones song and he sauntered into the kitchen.

"You missed some calls." He held her cell phone which she'd left in the living room out to her but didn't let go as she grabbed it.

"Seriously, who the fuck is Warren?"

It took her a second to process his question but instead of answering she pursed her lips to conceal a grin.

"Why, did he call?" She asked innocently.

"Dude, why is he blowing up your phone?" Tommy frowned and crossed his arms. "And why are you smiling like that?"

His inquisition was interrupted by the phone ringing from the other side of the kitchen.

"Is that the land line? No one ever calls the land line." She nonchalantly sipped her beer and folded her lips to stop a giggle.

"Wow. That has to be the most pathetic attempt at deflection I've ever seen in my life. But you did stick the landing so I'm gonna be generous and give you a 6.5." Tommy snorted as he stalked his way to the phone and pressed the speaker button to answer.

"House of Lee."

"Where the fuck have you two been?!" Nikki's voice bellowed through the kitchen, nearly making the windows shake.

"Uh, home." Tommy replied as if it were obvious.

"Why aren't either of you answering your fucking phones?!"

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