Tokyo maniji gang - when you meet them

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You were walking home from school which was not a good day for you because once again you faced teasing, kids in your class would tease you about your weight and body. You didn't have at much friends either in your class or school, your mother and grandmother worried about you and they knew kids could be cruel. They always told you one day you will find your group, and at day came when you came into group of older boys who started teasing you.

Y/n " give it back" the boys had taken you backup and they were holding it up high and due to your height you were not able to grab it.

Y/n " give it back to me"

Boy 1 " come on jump piggy jump"

Y/n " oh come on give it back please"

Boy 2 " oh come on kids you can jump higher"

???? " hey jerks she said give it back to her" soon everyone stoped what they were doing and you soon saw two boys standing there both of them with blonde hair, but one of them had a dragon on his head.

Boy 3 " oh look some more shrimps came to play with us"

Boy 4 " what are you going to do brat"

Mikey " give her back her bag or I will make you pay"

Boy 5 " aww that cute ...." Before the fifth boy could finish his words the short hair blonde boy leaped into the air and kicked him in the face, making him drop your bag.

Y/n " ......"

Mikey " hey draken do you have to have some fun with these idiots"

Draken " sure Mikey" the two boys had taken down boys who were more older and taller then them in a few seconds, and soon enough the older kids had ran away crying.

Y/n " thank you"

Mikey " thank you hey you are cute do you want to be our friend"

Y/n " ummm"

Mikey " then it settled you are our friend .... What your name"

Draken " hey idiot don't scare her away"

Y/n " I'm y/n l/n"

Mikey " well y/n started from day on you are our friend now come on let's go play and you can meet our other friends"before you could say anything you were pulled away by Mikey and draken had followed behind, you didn't think is what your family meant by making friends but hey you were not going to question it. A few days later Mikey showed up at your school and was placed in your class, and you could say no one messed with you because they all fear or worship Mikey.

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