Not that I had many people to talk to. It was just Lilian who occasionally came to visit my dorm room or joined me while having meals. I actually still couldn't cope with my situation, therefore I just avoided new people. Except for the times I needed to train or had to communicate with them.

"That's awesome! Your fam seems pretty cool.", Phil said. His light brown hair strands got messy as he drove a hand through them.
I only forced a smile as I pressed out a simple "Yes".

Then it seemed to dawn on him. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't want to bring it up...", he started to mumble while waving around with his hand nervously. But I only shook my head softly.
"It's alright. It's just that I still need more time to get used to all of this." I swerved my arm around the surrounding.

Phil immediately started to nod. "I understand that. I was like that, too, y'know?" He sighed as he patted my head this time. He was so tall that my head didn't even reach his shoulders. It was really insane how much I had to look up to him just to talk to him face to face when we stood very close to each other.

"Do you have a soulmate, too?", I asked. The word just casually left my lips. It didn't sound weird or awkward to me anymore - not like months before when just the mentions of a soulmate made me flinch and turn.

Being one was a fact that I accepted - however, Zero and I have never used the bond's powers. The only time was a coincidence at my old college when he told me to run and kidnapped me afterwards. As I thought about it, it really seemed a long time ago. I was living a completely different life back then.

Phil only laughed heartily while showing his perfect white teeth.
"No way," he answered, showing the crease at the end of his eyes as he smiled. "I'm actually a loner."

Hearing his answer made me chuckle. It seemed like a long time since my mood was lifted by someone.

"A loner, huh. I'm not actually that different then." I admitted to which he laughed again.
"Well, but you have our cute Zero by your side, so -"

"How about you two continue to train instead of idling around?", Zero immediately cut him off while raising an eyebrow. Phil only laughed. He seemed to be someone who just laughed a lot. It suited him and his content vibes - like he didn't have any worries in this world.
"Dude, you're really pretending not to care, right?" He then grinned as Zero's expression turned explicitly cold.

I realized that Phil actually had guts. Like really. The last months I noticed that many people - mostly, women were always staring at my soulmate when he walked passed them but were intimidated by his cold demeanor at the same time.

I mean, I could relate to them as it had also made me very uncomfortable at the beginning. But after having to see him everyday and getting to train with him everyday, I slowly got used to it. But Phil - he just laughed right into Zero's face, no matter what death stare he gave him. This was to be respected.

"I'm not pretending about anything and now get to work." He moved his chin towards me, his grey eyes holding an unfazed expression. Then Phil suddenly put his whole arm around my shoulder.

I saw Zero immediately stiffen, his lips tight.

"Well, I saw how you were nursing our princess back to health when she was unconscious for days a year ago. Who are you lying to?" A smug expression planted itself onto Phil's face as he looked at my soulmate. I was actually shocked by his statement.

That Zero was nursing me when I blacked out from all the shock back then? I really couldn't imagine that but judging by his extremly sour expression, it seemed to be true. Holy.

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