Chapter 06

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I sat in the coffee shop until the sunset nearly started to set. Time to go home, I guess. I slowly stood up and packed my belongings. After greeting the worker who stood at the counter, I walked through the wooden door which made the usual ping sound right above my head when opening it.

Streets and buildings were painted in a soft orange glow, giving off a warm and tender atmosphere. The few trees which were planted on the side walk in a certain distance to each other slightly tilted as a soft breeze brushed through the city. It felt warm on my skin.

It's already summer again, huh. Time sure flew by fast.

I could have taken the bus to get home, however this time around, I just decided walk back. The weather was too fine to pass on that.
Cars, people and loud chatter passed me, children running in and out of stores - dragging their parents by their hands, cell phones ringing here and there, dogs barking when getting near them and the leaves dancing through the streets like they were welcoming the small summer breeze - it was just a typical evening walk through my city.

After arriving at an intersection, I passed an old vacant building. Its walls which were once colored in a soft cream, were now sticked with dirt and mud. Its plaster was crumbling down in a dusty manner and ivy trendils were climbing up until they reached the roof, entwined themselves and heavily grasped onto the walls.

It was once the image of a proud, nearly majestic library I often went to since I was younger. My grandmother was actually the one to care for a certain amount of its expenses, however it got neglected after her death until nothing remained anymore - except for its ruins. If I would have been a little older back then, I would have tried to maintain the library because it was one of my most precious places to be at in the past.

But now there was really nothing someone could do anymore. I sighed. Giving the building one last regretful look, I finally met the small short-cut I always used to walk home. As the buildings were built high-up in this passage way, it blocked the sun from shining through, causing the way to lie in a dark shadow. Normal people would have been scared to walk back in an alley like this - but I was used to this path already.

Nothing has ever happened to me until now, so what would be so different today? Like always, I passed small and dirty windows which faintly reflected my silhouette, broken glass bottles, as well as, used cigarettes. Ignoring the litter on the side path, I looked up. The sky which had a warm orange tone was about to flow into a deep scarlet red, indicating how the sun was already setting further.

It was a Saturday, so I was actually planning to watch a movie after I got home. Maybe I would ask Jer to watch one of the Marvel Studios' films again - a sure classic which I always enjoyed. As I turned around a corner, I almost crashed into someone - immediately snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Whoa, whoa there", the person said, laughing.
"I'm sorry, I was actually...", I started to explain myself but stopped when I saw who stood in front of me. It was the guy I met on campus before. His angelic-like face didn't change much, even his bright smile and sharp blue eyes were still the same. I nearly forgot my first encounter with him since months have passed already - but here we were.

"Oh, it's you. The world sure is small." So he remembers me, as well, huh. Another perfect smile was flashed at me. I tried to imitate it but failed miserably.
"Yeah, it's me...", I said in a slow voice while carefully watching him. Something about him felt off - even if he was just being friendly.

It was just like the first time we met - his whole vibe was just different. However, definitely not in a good way. I couldn't really explain it but there was something in his eyes which looked at me with a piercing kind of intensity, that I wasn't able to get used to.

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