Chapter 15

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We were rushing through the dark hallway, only the sound of our breath and steps resounding from the cold walls. It felt like walking through a labyrinth as we turned around several corners, crossed dozens of hallways, climbed small staircases and ran through hidden passageways.

"How do you know the directions?", I whispered. Even if I doubted someone was close by right now, I still kept my voice low. Just in case.

"I know this place," she started. "My... family is kind of wealthy, so this is just one of our many properties." My mouth gaped open as she said that. So she was rich rich.

"Who are you exactly?" I noticed that I haven't asked for her name yet. She only sighed as she dragged me around the next corner and continued rushing through another dusty room.

"I am Lilian. Lilian Garter." Garter as in Garter enterprise? The one big shot company which was known to be cooperating with SKIA? I looked at her with wide eyes.

She seemed to look right through my mind as she said: "Yes, you're right. That Garter." A bitter smile formed around her lips. Her green eyes narrowed slightly as she nearly spat out her last name.

"Wait. Isn't your family good with SKIA?" I asked confused. "So why are they searching for you?" A cloudy expression settled down on her face as she heard my questions.

"This is a very long story. And the more you know, the more you will become a target." Our gazes locked as she said that. There was a slight sense of sadness in her eyes but it soon got washed away by frustration.

"Then again, I think they're already searching for you, too.", she quietly mumbled. I didn't know what she meant but this didn't sound good. Not at all.
"What do you mean? Why would they search for me?", I pressed while furrowing my eyebrows. This situation was far too surreal for me to believe.

Running through dark hallways of some random castle and being a target of some big shot company which was apparently supported by the government? Well, that sounded just great, I thought sarcastically.

"Listen, we need to get out of here first. Then I will tell you everything." Her lips pressed tightly together after the words left her lips. I only nodded silently.

Right now I wasn't even sure of who was the crazy one. Lilian - for carrying random weapons around and spouting all this stuff which could be nonsense or me who obediently followed her just because I had an unknown feeling that I could actually trust her. I sighed.

Walking through the castle which was only lightened up by the faint moonlight was an eerie experience. Especially because I had already lost my whole sense of orientation. Imagine, getting stuck here all night long - alone. I shuddered at that thought.

"Where are you actually taking me?", I then asked.
"Somewhere safe.", Lilian immediately answered. "We're almost outside." She lifted up her arm to remove several locks of an old metal door. They fell to the floor one after another as she used a certain key she fished out of her thigh band.

This one sure is highly guarded, I thought as I looked how she reached for the last brass bar which blocked the door from opening. It was the only one which was additionally bound by a heavy metal chain which in turn was closed off by an already rusty lock.

However, the last one looked different than the others and the key Lilian tried to insert didn't fit. "Shit," a small curse left her lips as she watched it intensely. I tried to rattle the metal chain, only to realize that it didn't budge at all.

Suddenly a faint noise was heard far in the back. Foot steps which trampled around in the hallways. I stilled and looked at Lilian - alarmed. "Is it them?"

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