Chapter 17

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After the world felt like it was going to collapse, everything went by in a blur.

The pain.

The scream.

The sadness.

And the utter madness which seemed to let loose deep inside of me.

Unfamiliar hands were reaching after me. Grabbing me. Pulling on my clothes, trying to comfort me. But I tore myself away. I couldn't think straight anymore. There was too much going on. Too much to handle.

I felt it. Something inside of me just broke.

I wanted to run. Run far, far away. Run after the distant memories, the distant voices - trying to catch the unreachable.

I would never be able to talk to my family and Jess again.

It's all gone.

It just proved that at some point, even the strongest hearts would break.

* * *

Zero's POV

It came unexpected and sudden. Like millions of glass shards and daggers were piercing themselves into my heart, grabbing onto it, tearing and ripping it to shreds. And then I heard it. A silent scream. Right in my head.

Her scream.

And without thinking for even a mere second, I started to run. Following my intuition, leading me towards her. As I sprinted through the college's hallways, I noticed how close she was. But why? Why is she here?

A sense of discomfort slowly wrapped itself around my heart. She shouldn't be here. I sped up as I suddenly heard loud commotion coming out of the head's office.

Not even one second after, the heavy wooden door was banged open, nearly ripping off a nearby picture frame from the wall.

And then I saw her. Her dark long hair falling down onto her back in wild strands, her hazel eyes which were frantically looking around, seeming to look for an escape.

Her hands were trembling irregularly, in fact, her whole body did.

I immediately stopped in my tracks. Slight anger was rushing through me as I watched her discheveled appearance. Who the fuck did this to her? What happened?

I slowly started to approach her, feeling her sorrow, guilt and regret filling me with each step I got closer to her. Emotions I knew too well. She seemed to sense my presence as her gaze suddenly locked with mine.

Confused hazel eyes were staring right into my grey ones. Then I saw her mouthing my name, without even hearing a sound.

"It's alright," I whispered while slowly closing our distance. I didn't know what happened to her but it didn't sit right with me, seeing her like that. Something inside of me just hated it.


One reason I didn't want us to meet was exactly because of this. Feelings which were nothing but fake. Nothing but fabricated by our forced bond. But right now all of this didn't matter. I just needed to know why she was here and what made her look like this.

Tears were streaming down her face non-stop, her gaze not breaking mine. All of her sorrow just surged right through me, slowly seeping into my skin and bones.

Then another girl suddenly came out of the head's office, slowly approaching her. I almost couldn't believe it. It was Lilian. It had been far too long since I had last seen her and now she was standing here. Right next to my soulmate.

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