...~CHAPTER 1~...

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Scattered footsteps sounded the wooden flooring of the Jung residence, shadows leaning on the plain walls as people passed by.

Hushed words were shared between the small gathering as they approached the stairway that led up to the bedrooms. They reached the second floor and all peeked at a door at the end of the narrow hallway.

"You sure this is the right time to be doing this? We could come back another time and-" The voice instantly stopped and it became silent once again.

They stepped towards the door while being mindful of their volume. Fingers wrapped around the black ebony handle with ease and gradually twisted it. They nudged the wooden door open and-

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY WOOYOUNG!" Voices rang out suddenly and flames illuminated their enthusiastic expressions. They held a birthday cake in their hands that had candles lit aflame.

Their smiles lingered on their faces as Wooyoung woke from his slumber quickly. His eyes lit up as soon as he found his parents holding a cake and a wide smile was plastered on his face.

"Make a wish Wooyoung, go on," His mother spoke, her voice soft yet filled with joy. Wooyoung stayed quiet for a couple of seconds before blowing on the candles, the flames flickering until they disappeared.

Not even a few seconds later the flames started up again and hastily began to grow in size. His parents' faces hadn't altered as if they were frozen. Little droplets of their skin began running down their figures until they were wilting to the ground.

Wooyoung couldn't move to help his parents and could only watch as their figures were completely formed into a large puddle of skin. He then felt as if his body was slowly slumping down to his sheets. He realized that he too was melting just like how his parents had.

Fear thrived within him as he met the ground at a faster pace than his parents.

Out of nowhere, a large pair of white hands appeared from the walls as they reached the puddle that was once his parents and began to gather them together. They were taking shape of their original selves once more but looking much different than usual. He didn't notice that the hands were going to him as well and molding him in between of his parents, like the perfect family to ever exist...

Wooyoung woke up, drenched in a cold sweat as his attention shifted towards his clock on his nightstand. It was the time he usually woke up every day which was 6 AM sharp. His chest rose with every breathe he took to calm himself from the horrid dream he just had.

He shoved off the sheets from his trembling body and tossed his legs over the edge of his bed, lifting his feeble hands towards his face, and exhaled an unsteady breath. Light poured in from his window across the room that peeked out from the beige curtains.

The calendar that was hanging from a thumbtack pushed in the wall had days crossed out. A large red circle was imprinted on a certain day and that day was his birthday, which wasn't struck out.

He knew he was supposed to be excited, but he couldn't bring himself to. Both his parents worked full-time jobs and when they finally have free time or a day off, they don't bother checking if he's mentally alright, and instead ask if his studies were perfect.

"We love you okay?" They would say, "We just want what's best for you," And the best for him was always having his grades perfect no matter what and setting it before his mental health.

Wooyoung finally recollected himself and hoisted his body away from his bed. His feet met the cold, hard ground and he internally shivered before setting it aside. His slim figure passed his nightstand as he walked towards his closet which held his clothes.

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