Section10: Cinder, The Flame of Glass

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(Few minutes earlier)

A portal appears inside the dome, the portal opens to reveal the Riders coming out and start slowing down once they reach a good distance from the portal. As it closes, Riku and the other Riders stop their vehicles and park as they get off the bikes. Makoto was the first to notice the difference in the atmosphere the dome had the last time they were in it. Riku and Arthur looked at Makoto, who put his arm in front of the two to stop them from walking forward.

Riku: "Is there something wrong, Makoto-Sensei?" Riku asked.

Makoto: "Something doesn't feel right here." Makoto said as he summoned his sword from the earth.

Arthur: "That was really cool, Makoto-Sensei!" Arthur commented, getting a smirk from his teacher.

As the Riders continue on their way, the portal appears again, and the Masters of the Grail War appears with their servants. Noticing the bikes, Mash points in the direction of the Knights.

Mash: "I think they went that way."

Gudao: "Maybe, what do you think? Shiro?" Gudao asked the man.

Shiro: "Let's hope, cause I don't trust this place."

The Masters, with their servants invisible (except for Mash), left in the direction of the Riders. Unbeknownst to them, two people were watching them from behind.

???1: "Looks like they were right, some of the Masters are working together." One of them said, a female.

???2: "Hey sis," the other said, also a female, "Do you think we can make this quick?"

???1: "What for?" The sister asked.

???2: "I want to get back to my book, I am almost done." the girl said as she looked away from her sister.

???1: "You read that book nine times already!" The sister said, "Why are you so invested in it?"

???2: "It's a good book!" The girl and her sister started arguing as two other people walked up to them.

???3: "Oh my," One of them said, a rough female voice. "My Master and yours are really getting heated over books again."

???4: "Yeah, but at least they're bonding again... I think?" The fourth female said, with a cheerful sounding voice.

???3: "Hmm... I remember when we saved those other Master's before, but must we be really stalking them?" The third female asked.

???1: "You stay out of this Rider!" The sister said. "You only came because you said you would be bored, now don't complain that we are observing our enemies from afar."

???4: "You heard her Rider, best not to complain now~." The fourth said, teasingly.

???2: "Why must you be loud?" The book girl asked.

???3: "Oh man, this is getting annoying." the rough sounding female said while taking out a bottle of alcohol.

(Scene Change)

The Riders were walking their way through the park, looking for the enemy they came to defeat, they noticed some citizens were tied up in the center of the park and were squirming. Arthur and Riku ran up to the citizens and started to untie them.

Riku: "Don't worry, we got you!" Riku said as he used his sword to cut through the rope.

Arthur: "Just stay calm, we got this." Arthur said as he took the tape of one of the citizens mouth's off.

Fate/Rider: Battle of the SaberOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora