Section6: The Master of Lancer

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The day after the fight with Ari and Kirigirisu Megiddo, Riku woke up really early and went to get groceries for his home. He enters the card shop and tries to grab a bag that will carry the groceries until he turns to his left after noticing movement and finds Mordred messing with the Dragon and Knight models that Riku put so much time into making. They just stared at each other for a few minutes, until Mordred tried putting them back in their original spot and got up and went to Riku.

Mordred: "You're up, early Boss of Master." Mordred said with a smug smile on her face.

Riku: "I need to go to the store and get food for the fridge, so I had to wake up early." Riku said as he slumped his bag over his shoulder.

Mordred watched him walk up to the front door of the store, until she got a bright idea.

Mordred: "Hey, Hey! Can I come with you?" Mordred asked Riku, who stopped when he heard her idea.

Riku: "Why?" was all he was able to ask.

Mordred: "Master is still asleep and this place is different from the last Holy Grail war I was in." Mordred said as she placed her hands on her hips and started to smile smugly.

Riku: "I guess that makes sense, but are there any ulterior motives?" Riku asks the blonde warrior.

Mordred stiffened a bit before starting to shake nervously, as if she was trying to hide something.

Mordred: "W-W-What do y-y-you mean that I h-h-have an ulterior motive? I don't have one! I DON-" Before Mordred can start yelling and causing trouble, Riku threw a pillow from a nearby chair at her which made her confused.

Riku: "Dang, for a girl trying to be a male knight, you're easily annoyed." Riku said as he started to exit the store, while Mordred was starting to turn red in embarrassment.

Mordred: "I am not a damn woman! I am a Knight!" Mordred said as she ran after Riku.

(Scene Change- Shopping District)

Riku and Mordred, who was in her casual clothes, were walking side by side while looking at all the stores and looking for the grocery store.

Riku: "Dang, I completely forgot that they moved to a different area." Riku said as he was looking at a map of the shopping district.

Mordred: "That's interesting, none of these stores look too Japanese, even though we're in Japan." Mordred commented, looking at buildings that seem to be similar to that of an American Mall.

Riku: "It would make sense, this city would differentiate itself from most of Japan." Riku said as he stood in front of Mordred.

Mordred: "What are you doing?" Mordred asked Riku.

Riku: "You get mad at me when I call you a woman right?" Riku asked Mordred.

Mordred: "That's because I am not!" Mordred said, a bit of annoyance in her voice.

Riku: "Then why do you wear something so feminine for someone that's supposed to be a Knight?" Riku said as he glared at the Knight in her eyes.

Mordred: "Wha-What's wrong with my clothes Bastard!" Mordred said as she glared at Riku.

Mordred's casual wear/ modern outfit consisted of black boots, short jean shorts, a tube top that exposed her abdomen, and a crimson leather jacket. Riku was thinking on how very feminine it was and, though keeps up with the times, how it doesn't help Mordred keep up the facade that she is a Knight and not a woman.

Mordred: "Do you want to be killed!?" Mordred asked as she grabbed Riku's shirt.

Riku: "Try it! Let's see what happens lady!" Riku said, with an enraged glare in the eyes of Mordred.

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