i volunteer for the Quest

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Chapter 9  ------------------------   I volunteer for a Quest

Jason, Thalia and I arrived at Cabin One after the dinner at the Dining pavilion. We had nothing to do so we decided to do something. Like, uhm.. uh.. gossip like old women. We talked about Percy and Annabeth and how they had gotten together. We talked about the Stoll brothers and their naughty pranks. Then our conversation drifted to Argus, then to Keempee, my best bud. ( aww. i really miss him now.) I havent seen him for so many days now because he had went on a journey  to find Pan, Lord of the Wild who had been missing for 2 thousand years now. Okay. Our next conversation landed on how arrogant Mr.D was and how nice his children were. Castor, Pollux, and the new camper who had just been claimed just minutes after he arrived at camp, Chal Barrera. He's a filipino and very nice. he got nerdy looks bcause of the eyeglasses he wear but back at the Philippines, he was the team captain of the basketball team in school. Chal and I had Ancient greek and Archery together. We're friends too. But what Jason said nex,t made me want myself  to be eaten by a harpie but it meant wasting my life so I prefer to gag instead.

" Do you have a crush on Chal? "

" Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat??!! " I yelled, my eyes were wide with shock. Thalia was clamping her mouth because she was laughing silently and she don't want me to see it. But I did. How can even Jason think of that? I don't ven have a crush on somebody since I was born in this world.

" Whoaa Silver. You reacted like that! Like I was trying to tell you to kiss Chiron's hooves. " Jason joked and he burst out laughing.

" How can you even think that I have a crush on someone? " I asked, agitated

" Silver, your brother's just asking." Thalia murmured while looking at me. I noticed that she was pale,but I decided to ignore it since she's taking on JAson's side about the crush thingy. But I did realize that Jason was just asking and there's no harm in it. I ws overeacting.  The question was very normal, like any teenagers would ask their friends..or their siblings.

" Yeah. Sorry. I was overeacting. It's just that Im not used to questions like that. " I grumbled, feeling ashamed of myself.

" It's normal sis. So do you really  have a crush on him?" Jason asked again. If not for the fact that he's my half brother, I could've shot him with my super massive electric current powers.

" No. For you to know. i've never been in love or have gotten any crush in my whole life.  " I admitted.

" Tell us you're not a tomboy. " Jason pleaded drammatically.

" Of course I'm not! " I replied, sneering.

" Yeah, yeah. Okay. " They both chorused.

" Why?! You've got any crush? " I asked.

" Of course we have, dont' we Thalia? " jason glancing at Thalia for some support. Then his eyes darted to the Aphrodite Cabin and smiled wistfully. For the second time, I noticed Thalia. She was still silent, but was now blushing.

" Who is it, eh? " I demanded.

" Piper McLean, Head counselor of Aphrodite Cabin. " Jason stated.

" Oh-kay. " I said. I havent seen this Piper girl but Im going to beg Jason to introduce me to her.

Jason snickered and nudged Thalia in the ribs.

" Hey!!! " thalia complained. She really was silent since we talked about crushes.

" You are so silent Thalia. What's upppp? " Jason asked her. " Uhm.. Do you have a problem? A problem with your crush? " Jason  added.

" No. I'm just tired. Let's sleep already. I'm feeling that something is not right. " Thalia murmured and made a beeline to her bunk. Jason and I looked at each other and also followed what thalia did. We went to our respective bunks quietly. What is wrong with my sister? Why can't she tell us? Oh well. I'm already tired o.. i'm going to sleep now. I stared at Thalia's already sleeping figure and wondered what' she is feeling wrong about. Is it about camp? but, the camp's safe and the golden fleece is still hanging by Thalia' tree. the dragon is guarding it. I took one look around inside Zeus cabin and willed myself to sleep.


The next day was, well, a normal day for a demigod like me. I didnt saw Thalia but I saw Jason by the canoe lake. I just waved at him and walk away. I had Archery and Ancient greek as usual with Mystery, Nico, and Chal. i didnt sit beside him today but placed myself between Mystery and Nico but Mytery didnt look happy about it. yeah, i know. She likes nico, and they looked good together. Halfway at Sword fighting class, Chiron blew his horn and we quickly lined up at our respective lines in th front of the Big House  with our fellow cabinmates or should I say...half siblings.. Right? Yeah, right. Chiron looked very worried and upset. MAybe something's wrong. And then.. when Thalia approached me.. I remembered that she said something's wrong last night. And she was right.

" You're right sister. " I mumbled while trying to get a glimpse of Chiron.

Thalia just nodded and I did noticed that her face was grim. Jason was nowhere to to found, maybe he's hangin' out with Percy Jackson.

" Heroes! Please keep quiet! Mr D and I had something to announce. " Chiron bellowed.

The campers went silent. As in like dead silence. Chiron looked at us sadly and then nodded to Mr. D who was standing beside him. Both of them had very troubling faces.  Chiron then took a step (or a hoof step) forward. And what he said next made me want to eat  spicy fish paste with bits of powdered tofu bars. Eughw.

" We need a hero to be sent on a quest to find and resque Hebe, the goddess of youth and cupbearer of the Gods. She was abducted by Nemesis, the Goddess of revenge and balance. We do not know of Nemesis intentions of kidnapping her. Maybe it was the grudge she was holding against the Gods. " Chiron announced.

We gasped and looked at each other. Several campers from Nemesis' Cabin hung their heads in shame. But none of the campers where insulting them, staring at them or whatever.

" This means one thing. " Thalia said while looking at percy. Percy turned to her and said, " Yes. One of the children of the Big three must be sent to the quest. "

" Nico? " thalia called out but Nico protested.

" No way. i dnt care about his stupid quest. do it yourself. " nico barked. He clearly don't want to be in any quest.

" Jason... Oh no, he had already resqued a Goddess before." Percy suggested. And then, his green eyes drifted to me. Oh no, I'm a child of Zeus, one of the Big thre. Does this means I'm the  one going on this quest? Part of me protested, but a big part of me hoped. I really want to be on a quest. To see if I could prove myself worthy of being a demigod.

" I, Silver Jeanne Clitherow, daughter of Zeus, volunteers to accept the Quest. " I said out loud. Ohmygoshesss! What did I just do? I'm so foolish! But it doesnt matter, I have the spirit to do it and I know I can come back successfully with Lady Hebe, safe.

The whole camp went silent and stared at me in awe. Thalia clapped her hands and then the whole camp followed. Chiron clapped his hands too. His expresion was now more relaxed.

" Very well, Silver. I approve. " Chiron said.

" So do I. " Mr. D said.

The whole camp guffawed with cheers and I fel myself smile.

" This is the time to impress our Father Zeus once more, Silver. " Thalia muttered in my ear. I stared at her eyes and I hugged her hard.

" Yeah. I'll do my best. " i whispered. I saw Jason running towards us, when he reached us, he untangled me away from Thalia and he embraced me. Aww. How loving my brother is.

" Heroes.. you may go back now to your activities. And, Silver, its time now you visit the attic. " Chiron said in a husky voice.

I nodded obediently and followed Chiron and Mr. D to the Big House, with Thalia and Jason trailing behind me and the other campers taking second looks in my direction and giving me encouragement words and thumbs up signs. I just smiled and looked at them gratefully.

Well, here I come Nemesis! I'm going to pulverize you!


so sorry for this very short chapter. i have school. :((( but dont worry I'll make it better in the next chappies! :) please vote!! thanks. and uhm.. maybe fan me? haha.

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