-Do you think you can get up?”

The fox nodded slowly taking his time to adjust once again to his body like a new born. He looked at the unknown man even if he was sitting on his knees, he looked way taller than him. His blond fluffy hair gave him a puppy look, and by his smell he directly knew he was a hybrid dog. Surprising? Not really, he thought.  

Slowly getting up, the hybrid dog extended his hand towards the fox who took it slowly while getting up. He hissed from the pains as he looked down at his hurting wrists, even if they had turned purple, he could still see the red mark of the rope. It was probably the fucking raccoon who tied it, he didn’t have one ounce of finesse at all.  

-Let me introduce myself! My name is Yunho, you will be in my charge from now on. I hope we will get along! And I’m sorry about the guards, they are kind of rude sometimes...”

-I..its ok I already have seen worst... My name is Yeosang...”


It was the only thing that came to his mind when he saw the fox in front of him. One of his eyes was yellow and the other was a strong blue. He never saw anybody with that color of eyes before, it was gorgeous. To make him look even more special, he had a beautiful birth mark beside his left eye. He was way more pretty than a simple slave.

The hybrid dog was sure if people saw him alone in the streets, he could be mistaken for a kiseang who was well known for their beauty and their charm. His aura itself was different from the others foxes he saw before. In the deepest of his heart, he felt the desire to protect him. To take care of him like a brother would do. He knew that living there wasn’t easy, even more with the master they had. Even he had rumors about him, and unfortunately, they had a hint of truth.

-You must be hungry and tired. You just have to follow me I will show you where we sleep, but you need to be quiet since it’s already late.”

The dog says as he put his finger over his mouth in a ‘shh’ sign with a smile. Yeosang didn’t complain at all, if that could mean he was finally going to get to rest a bit after this long day.

Getting out of the room, Yunho guided the new fox in the long hallway. It was a dark and empty hallway with close windows with standing candles as the only source of light. His old small family house was nothing compared to this huge domain, the size of his house was the size of the room he was in before. Never he would have thought that someday he would simply put a foot in this sort of place. He never even thought of becoming a slave either actually.

The only people they crossed path with, was two servant lady walking pass them in the other direction. Looking at them up and down with disgusted eyes. Yeosang felt a knot in his stomach, he didn’t feel well. How long it would take to get used to live there? He didn’t even know which duty he will be forced to do.

He didn’t know if his master was the type of person to beat his slave just for fun or out of anger like he was used to see in the street. And also as he could see, he wasn’t really welcome there by some peoples.

He was thinking again about how much noble had beaten and killed a slave or servant just because nobody would ever care and say anything. Even a horse has more value than a low born like him.  

Yunho looked down at the fox when he felt a grip at the base of his sleeve. He noticed quickly, even in the dark, the fox face was turning pale. He was getting worried about him so he stopped walking suddenly.

-Hey... Are you ok?”


He knew too well that this was a lie. The dog walked in front of him, bent a bit so he could face the fox and placed his two hands on his shoulders. The fox hesitated but he looked up at him.

-I know it must be very hard for you right now, but you’re not alone I’m here with you. And nothing will happen, you will get used to your new life here someday. One thing at the time for now you need to take a rest and eat a bit, ok?”

Yeosang nodded slowly, but he didn’t let go of his grip on the other sleeve. He was at least happy Yunho was there to comfort him. He wasn’t alone after all.

After that, Yunho escorted Yeosang to their shared room. And as soon as the fox lay down on his own blanket, he fell asleep. Yunho followed him not too long after, to be honest, he was very worried about him. Even more knowing how their master was, but he will try his best to help him. He won’t let him out of his sight. He was new, but the dog was already too much attached. He didn’t want anything to go bad with him, like the same that happened with him. He needed to keep him from everything and help him. No matter what.

Because You Are My First Love |||sansang,Hybrid AUWhere stories live. Discover now