Chapter 6 - Come Undone

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Frankly, Mr. Whiskers was the only reason why Harry was still somewhat sane, but even his new darling couldn't prevent the depression that swept over him when he started to really believe in Lou's hurtful words. Nobody's missing you, Harry. It still hurt but more than that, it started to disturb him.

According to Lou, nobody was looking for Harry, and that made Harry think; did his family and friends hate him? Or did he even have friends in the first place? The one thing Harry couldn't understand, was why nobody missed him or tried to look for him.

When he thought about it, he realised that he hadn't talked with Liam or Niall in months. Therefore it was quite understandable that they hadn't notice Harry's absent. But still Harry couldn't shake off the thought that he really didn't have any close friends. Even his family was somewhat distant because surely he had been away long enough for them to notice?

Maybe if Harry would still be working in that hospital, things would be different. But he wasn't working in the hospital anymore, he wasn't in school... In a way, he disappeared long before he had even been kidnapped. 

A comforting thought was that sooner or later people will inevitably notice that he is missing, and then they will start look for him. It made Harry feel a little bit better, it gave him hope. At some point, he would have to get out, he can't spend the rest of his life in the same room. It would be inhuman.

Talking about inhuman! Funny thing, Lou had actually gave Harry some clothes so that he wouldn't need to wear his dirty and smelly old ones. And Mr. Whiskers had his own litter box. Harry almost felt like he was just visiting somewhere, but he knew the truth. He wasn't visiting. He was a hostage, and all the kind things that Lou did... Well, human rights, eh? Really, Harry didn't understand why Lou did those things, but he didn't really care since they were to Harry's advantage. So no complaining. Alright, maybe a little bit but without pushing the limits.

And since Lou was on it, he could also give Harry a TV or something. Harry actually had considered asking it, but he didn't want to push those previously mentioned limits. Okay, of course he wanted to push the limits, because even Hell was more entertaining place, but still. Besides, Harry had a feeling that even if he would ask a TV, Lou would say no.

Moreover, thanks to Lou The Nurse, Harry's hands were quite fine. He will get nice scars, though, but the wounds were almost healed. Lou had been very precise about how often Harry needed to clean them and all that. It almost seemed like Lou was scared that Harry would get infection or something.

Harry still had no idea what day, time or month it was, but he assumed that it had been at least a week since Lou had gave Mr. Whiskers to him. Maybe Harry should ask Lou what day it was but for some reason Harry never did. Maybe he was too scared, because he didn't precisely want to know how long he had been in that goddamn room.

Harry was cuddling with Mr. Whiskers when Lou came into the room for the fifth time on that day, which was pretty much the new record. Harry didn't turn to look at Lou because the other four times Lou had rampaged in, he had just stared at Harry, then turned around and walked away. After couple of times Harry stopped caring so he didn't pay any attention to Lou anymore when Lou crashed into the room. Now he was just too deep in his own mind.

"Okay, this is ridiculous. I have left the door open two times when I have left this room and you're still in that bed in a same position", Lou said, standing in front of Harry.

Harry shrugged lazily and glanced at Lou before turning his eyes on Mr. Whiskers. "Uh-huh."

To be honest, he really hand't noticed that Lou had left the door open. Although, even if he would have noticed, it would have been pointless to even try to run. Lou wouldn't just leave the door open, and walk away. No, Harry was sure that Lou had left the door open and then stood a few meters away, waiting.

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