77. The Cons

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"It has been two days since the attack of the Buckshot Mall." The newsman said

"Locals informed that the children responsible for the destruction ran away, even with millions of dollars worth of paper money." The newswoman said

"Many scouts and a few police officers were injured during the attack. The mayor of Nashua called this incident 'the cluster of the conflict' and demands further search." The newsman said

"The locals are still on a hunt and evidence shows...." said the newswoman as Farrine then turned it off

"Hey Grover, you sure you are ok?. You can go outside and have a holiday. I mean the twins and the rest are too. You sure you ok being alone?." Farrine asked, feeling like she is babysitting little Grover

"Uhm. Uhm. I am sure. Anyway, you seen Cyrousche?." Grover said and asked

"She went outside a day after the job, she'll be back, she likes to travel around when you are gone." Farrine said

"Hmm. Ok." Grover agreed. Grover was then left alone, again. He still awaits for their boat to come and pick them up. He is just bored that after the job, everyone had left, either to retire, or going back to their designated lands. While Grover just sat there, alone, in the couch, drinking soup, then looking at Row's gun, for another time. He then said to it; "Hi Rowenthal. It's......It's Grover. Prince Grover Zondar. Prince Grover Flores. I. I hope you remember me.....I hope you can see, no actually you do he......the mall quest was an adventure........because of it.......we were able to weakened Berto's efforts to turn the island into an industrial nightmare. I. I managed to.....use your gun and....be a master with it......I think.....I found my redemption to be king......I......I hope you are proud." Grover said, tearing up his memories

Farrime was just lazing about in her bed in the restaurant, seeing the edited collage pictures of Xac, with love stickers and all, after a long day, and a buzz of youtube videos. She can just stare at it all day, until a Snapchat message hit her, from Xac.

Farrine. I need to see Grover. Tell him to meet me at Durham dam

Farrine read the message, she wondered what was going on. She asked him.

K. Is there anyting wrong Xac?

But after two days, no answer, no read. Farrine worried, to that he then told Grover.

"Grover. Grover!." Farrine said

"Woah. You are panicking, what is wrong?." Grover looked at her face

"I don't know. It is Xac. He wants me to tell you to meet him at the Durham dam. But I asked him why and he didn't read or reply to me after." Farrine worried and hyperventilated

"Calm down. Maybe it is a battery." Grover calmed

"No it is not, there was no read notif. I am scared Grover. I. I. I. I. I......." Farrine feared

"Well. I can always expect trouble. It is my duty. I'll see about Xac. See you." Grover then left

"Thank you. Oh I hope he is alright." Farrine said, she was worrying too much

Grover then rode a bicycle to the dam. Arriving at the dam, Xac was nowhere in sught, even in the trail. The trail was even empty, no one is there.

"Xac?." Grover called as then A STRANGER THEN KNOCKED HIS HEAD OUT WITH A BATON, Grover blacked out then.

Grover then woke up, tied in a chair, in a dark room, with a dense lightbulb on top, after the daze, he saw three people conversing to each other, then as they saw Grover awake.

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