7. Something Familiar, But Different

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"That was what happened?." Said Hoover

"Yes. Campbell is captured, the scouts knew our moves. I am afraid I will have to leave more later than the contract should." Called Row in a bench, south border of Vegas

"Well you need to do what you have to do. Such a shame, you were the one to leave early, you could help Beau with the evidence." Said Hoover pretending to be pissed

"I guess you need to get Frewer to do it." Suggested Row

"Now that you mention the kid. I think I should. So.......what are you gonna do man?." Spoken Hoover

"I don't know, I need to think about it." Said Row

"Well think quick, don't be stranded in the desert for too long, don't leave the sheriff long either, for God's sake, you are on his barrel. There is something we need to fish out in the tackle and it is in Colorado, Beau also got supporting evidence from her hacks as well." Said Hoover

"We always oppose scouts for a living don't we?." Asked Row

"For the future of the children and education, and the sake of our resistance?, yes. There are more than just scouts to clean up Row, Scouts appeared to be the majority of it, corruption of education is close to an end." Answered Hoover

"Ok, I'll talk to you soon, send my old friend my regards, tell him to move on from Goran." Row closed the call, doubting Hoover's plans to ever work.

He kept blaming himself, thinking 24-7. He then breathed in and kept thinking on what to do now that the LVPD is looking for him and the scouts too. It was until; "Hands in the air boy." A 15 year old girl with dark colours aimed her Nerf Rebelle Rapid Glow. Row raised his hands and stared at that girl, accompanied by a little boy. "Are you Rowenthal?."

"Who's asking?." Asked Row calmly

"She is." Said the little boy in dark colours too

"Salala quit it. Tell me, are you interested in helping us?. We heard about the IYCR, you guys help people in need and you guys also well.....cause a mess in the conflict." Said the girl

"Look kid, I am in the middle of a search out, people are looking for me. So please, ask someone else, and it isn't necessary to aim your gun at me." Explained Row

"We can offer you protection Rowenthal. Live and work for us, and you will be safe while you do your work. We orphans need people with your skills, been quite past few difficult of months we are encountering." Offered the girl

Row then answered with no hesitation, he put his hands down and said; "Sure. I need a place to lie low."

"Excellent. Oh one thing, you need an entry requirement." She said, pointing number one while closing her eyes

"Ugh ok!. Name your price?." Moaned and accepted Row

"No price. We are hungry. We haven't eaten for about a week. I am afraid we will be starving the whole summer. Solve that." She said

"Where is your guardian, you guys have financial issues or something?." Asked Row being curious about those street kids

"That don't matter. Do your job and meet us at our detached house, it is east of Goodsprings town, the greyest of all houses, perfectly quiet for all of us. Name is Dorris." She shook hands with Row. "Pleasure  meeting with you, let's go kid."

Dorris and Salala left Row. After hours searching for food, Row found a good substitute for all of them to last the whole summer. Row then arrives at the detached house of the orphans, the house was ruined, grey, full of flies, dirty, no plants, filling in all the emptiness in the house, reminding him of that certain years, except darker that it was.

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