68. Tooled Inside II

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"Alright guys. Uhm. I am sorry for calling you early in the morning at 6, and that it is a Monday, and you all hate Mondays. But. I come here to discuss a very important topic before we all head back to prepare for our job, and that is the money. Without a doubt, the mall has a lot of money. But, some of us here have different needs, different wants, different dreams. Nonetheless, I believe everyone should not receive an equal cut. So we need to discuss that. Ok?." Xac spoke, in front of all the crew members

"Ok." Most of them replied

"Not bad Xac. One day you'll form your own crew." Brakus said

"Ok, you are not helping, now, uhm.....Farrine....could you speak about this?." Xac welcomed her

"Ok." Farrine said after receiving humble words from Xac. "Hello guys uhm.....well....I never uhm...talk to a large group of people before....haha...but uhm...well....let me get over the basics uhm. Every one of us needs....different amounts of earnings....cause we have different....dreams like Xac said. Like me. I. I need to pay my restaurant debt....and I want to.....go to the twins school which is Phillips Exeter.....and I need a stipend for my everyday needs so.....I need more than about 150k, because 21k is my debt, others are for restaurant property, my education, my restaurant bills, the other are disclosed and extra. I know it is a lot, but, we can sort it out together. Uhm.....what else am I supposed to say?." Farrine explained

Curzon then said; "You did good. Now everyone. I am going to ask from you all how much money do you need. The remaining of the money will be used for Grover and Cyrousche on their......monarchy adventure. You can even ask for a million dollars, only, if only, you have a valid point.....but who would expect to get a million dollars from a job like this am I right or am I wrong?.. So. Let's start with.....me. Well... I need 150 because I need some needs that it doesn't bother you, what bothers you is that none of this job would have happened if it wasn't for me, you numbskulls better be grateful."

"Ok Curzon, I think they get it!." Grover calmed

"Ok. Well. Moving on....let's start with Tulio. How much do you want?." Curzon asked

Tulio honestly said; "Actually. I'd take any."

"Ok, come on, Tulio, name your price, you did a lot since you came here" Xac welcomed.

"No, it is ok, it's uhm, not a big deal," Tulio said.

"Wait. Wait. You. You sure?." Curzon asked

"You don't need to give me money. I don't care, money is not a thing for me." Tulio fully commited with his hearr

"Tulio this. This is a serious job you....you deserve some money at least." Xac felt bad for his brave commitment

"Well. It is up to you, but I just don't want a lot of money. All I want is to do you all a favor, gracias." Tulio thanked.

"Goodness...you...you are so...generous," Farrine told.

"Gracias indeed. Well, that's one on the list, Cyrousche write that down....whatever you hear at least." Curzon said, as Cyrousche written the speculative cut of each members. "Now. Brakus. Bud. How about you?."

"Well. I'd take any too but uhm.....give me more than 50 because....I need to pay for my bicycle, my guns, conflict sort of stuff, and uhm.....I have private things needed that I can't really tell to you. I am sure you know why Curzon I...I really don't want to tell." Brakus requested

"50?. Ok. Ok. I hear you. Now. Twins, how much do you want?." Curzon asked

"Well. Uhm. Should we say it?." Zack asked

"I think we do. Uhm. Look. I think we have....uhm....sufficient money on our account thanks to working with Farrine. And we....don't want our parents to know about thus so.....just give us some amount that won't....make them suspicious when they check in later....but we do need like....'a lot' a lot." Jack said

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