39. Insensible Rest

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"You did VERY good Row. VERY. VERY GOOD!." Greeted Hoover in the call, six days in the aftermath of the Warehouse Breach

"Hello there Hoover. Been a while. How is Troy?." Row greeted

"He did his work. Actually. We did. Three days ago." Hoover is enthusiastic

"Good work." So as Row

"Now. We just need to wait on the kid, take our time and such. Nice work man." Hoover congratulated

"You too." Row too

"It's really nice. Cause we just played them good!." Hoover said with wngery

"Played what exactly?." Row asked

"Oh didn't you know?. My attack on the server farm has gifted us with what Bough Yorker is really really planning on us man. And not only that, he was trying to cheat the scouts with it too." Hoover stated

"Why?." Row asked

"Too political for you're style. I'll keep for myself." Hoover said

"Sure. Sure...And what did Troy's van job do for us?." Asked zrow

"Oh. We just got more information about the conflict in the New England region." Hoover answered

"Are you making this up?." Row wondered

"Am I?. Of course not!. We got info of all the scouts' aristocratic plans for the youth territories, we got exactly what went on with New Hampshire Youth Conflict handling, that their state governments, have problems with. Not only that, we get to know more of the links about the Sixages and what they did years ago. Don't you believe it Row, the government are hiding this from us, from the public!." Hoover explained with lots of details, implying that he is very very enthusiastic and proud nowadays

"I don't know if I should criticize..." Row said

"You don't have to man!. You should be grateful that you destroyed their.....weapon of chance. That evidence you destroyed, screwed the scouts over. Now they have nothing, I mean, nothing to shield themselves with. Oh they are all gonna be in so much trouble...."

"Yeah. Yeah. As much as I enjoy hearing your political craziness and all that nonsense. I am taking a day off from your......plans to disrupt the governments plan for the Conflict or whatever." Row said plainly

"Oh definitely Row. Sure. Take your time. Eat sushi. Spend your time well in the beachside or something. Go ahead. When Frewer is done, you pick us up." Hoover smiled gratefully

Row then stated that he thought about it;"Uhm....actually I have something I have to do first."

"Is this some sort of summer job thing?." Hoover asked

"You...can say that I guess." Row lied about the Zondars

"Well...if you are willing to. Get a move on then. I heard Frewer will finish soon." Hoover allowed

"I guess." Row said

"Now. Me and Troy need to head to Wendy's, first time he's treating." Hoover revealed

"That ain't fair." Row was jealous

"He is never fair man." Hoover laughed

"Haha. Thanks." Row laughed too

"Man. I never felt so happy in my life." Hoover said honestly

"Man so do I." Row felt him too

"No but....I don't know I..........after doing this, I felt like an eagle enjoying the bright sun or something." Hoover spoken

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