66. Shipment Dispatched

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Grover shakes his feet fast, thinking ot all out like a chess game, Cake then visited him.

"Grove. You alright?." Cake greeted while holding her BattleCamo gun

"Uhm. Uhm. Sure uhm fine." Grover said. Then he admitted; "No it is not fine!. The idiot is captured and I am worried about this job, I just hope things go well. Now that Atik is captured I.....I am not sure I could approve."

"Yeah he is an idiot but uhm....we do need to know that he has a life too." Cake admitted

"Yeah you can say that. Ugh!. I got to reevaluate these things if I were to be a good king to my battalion." Grover hoped for balance

"Well you can skip that....quotes for now. I need to tell you something important...that can be beneficial for the job, it is now or never." Cake said

"Well. Can you ask someone else?. I am a bit down after yesterday....I am still worried about Atik despite that I despise his attitude so much." Grover asked her to reconsider

"Well....you are the last one I ask so far Grover. Girls are no use to me. Tulio is busy dealing with the Nerf guns for us with Dimaggiore, I think we are bound to get it very soon. Aroarii is on the delivery duties for Farrine. Twins and Chris are no use. Finn is Finn you know. Xac and Curzon can't be contacted. And ....I don't want to bring Scent around....I am sure you understand. So. This leaves to you. If you could help I mean." Cake reasoned

"Well. You are a girl and....I feel bad if you do it alone." Grover apologized

"Please don't say that. That is inappropriate to girls." Cake advised

"Oh sorry. I. I didn't mean to...." Grover apologized

"It's ok. Least you know before you tell it to other....tomboy...toxic girls or whatever you think of me as." Cake said

"I don't really think of you like that. I think I approve you more." Grover admitted

Cake smiled and said; "Well that's good then. Here is the thing. Curzon informed us while you and the twins were.....deliberately stealing something useless from a school library."

"It is not. Trust me." Grover said

"Ok. Ok. That is not the main point though. Secondly man, this is a good opportunity to weaken security. The guards. The knights whatever." Cake said

Grover then had interest; "I am listening."

"You see. Curzon said that their taser guns are basically powered up by rare energy sources, something that can only be traded and filled by an Argentinian security army called Gordo. Every month, they have to give their taser guns and replace it with a new, and not charge it on the mall, otherwise they must well, get out to Argentina I think if they were to get those tasers." Cake explained

"Hmm. That's interesting, what's in it then?." Grover asked

"Well. Their security vans are currently here, on the way after visiting many of Berto's assets. Chris informed me that they just left the asset in Massachusetts an hour ago, they are about to visit the mall. So my guess, we hijack it and slow down their security shipment, it is well.... 'programmed' for them to come only every month, assuming we work and prepare fast, that won't be a problem. So what do you say?." Cake answered hum

"So....we do a simple work to slow down security...making it easier later on for the job?." Grover smiled for good news

"The law will still likely lurk around in the end....but not in the beginning.....will make the inside smooth....all we need is probably to handle a but of heat outside. But we are conflict people, we are bound to make trouble to survive. So what you think?." Cake spouted

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