63. Firm Supplies

19 3 1

The next day at 6am

"AGAIN!." Brakus cheered Grover and Cyrousche as they TRY TO SHOOT THE PERFECT RED ON THE DART BOARD, but none of them hitted. "Cyrousche........focus. And Grover, don't pressure too much on your shooting,"

"Ah shut up Brakus." Grover said as he shoots, but misses

"Your emotions will affect your shooting, the big guys will beat you up in school." Brakus said wathcing by the tree

"Ah be quiet!." Grover was about to shoot, but the ammo was empty

"See!!. Reload!." Brakus ordered

Cyrousche then aimed slowly and shot five bullets, one of them hit red. "YES!."

"You wasted like what....3 clips.....and one is....how much?, 10, you wasted 29 bullets. One advise, keep shooting, aim fast, aim precise." Brakus advised

"But I thought practicing a sport starts from a slow progress." Cyrousche said

"I love your sportive inspiration , but I am telling you to speed up, not to finish quick, there is a huge difference, AGAIN BOTH OF YOU!."  Brakus ordered

They both then aimed their guns after the reload, and when it was fired, Cyrousche nearly hitted the red spot but only hit the lines, and most of them splattered.

"Not good enough." Brakus said.

"Hey!. This gun I am holding is very old. Give me time ok?!." Grover reasoned

"Old or not, holding a gun takes balls, you don't have one." Brakus spoken, he then stole the left Powerclip aimed and FIRED 7 OUT OF 10 BULLETS TO THE RED SPOT, and placed the gun back. "There."

Grover was despaired, he moaned and quit the shooting range in the back of the restaurant, heading back inside. Brakus tried to apologize; "Hey haha...uhh come on man...I didn't mean it....I was just..."

"LOOK!. I need to get over this I don't know...man we are not prepared and I can't even shoot my man's gun yet. Fantastic!." Grover doubted

"Don't stop Grover. Ok. It takes time. We'll train again tomorrow, I can see you are tired. Now rest, I need to train Cyrousche." Brakus then returned to Cyrousche

Farrine offered Grover some of her hot pot food, buttered chicken stew, Grover ate it to elevate his mood of Farrine's lavish food. Then when he finished and rested in the customer's table for a while, the twins then awoken him up.

"Is he asleep?." Zack asked

"I don't know. I'll check." Jack said

Jack then woke him up

"Oh. Oh. Oh what?. Oh. Its you copycats. Yeah what?." Grover woke ip

"Grover we....me and my brother thought of an idea." Zack said

"What idea?." He asked

"You want to explain it or me?." Zack asked

"Maybe you should. You're the one who's asking." Jack said

"I don't know maybe you." Zack doubted

"Ok guys please skip to the chase. What?!." Grover asked

"Well. Grover uhm.....we need to make sure so uhm....one....do you know how rough and thick a big book could be? especially with its cover?." Zack asked

"Uhh why?." Grover wondered

"Ok uhm....anither question that me and my brother is asking is uhm....you ever wore a bag pack on the front of your stomach into a 'front pack'?." Jack asked

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