72. Fichero & Faila

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"Grover. What school do you study in?." Asked Atik as Grover was eating lunch in the sofa

"I never went to school." Grover said after a sip

"Oh really?. Wow." Aroarii reacted

"Man you are so lucky." Atik said

"I lived in an island of chaos. I was raised an orphan. Don't feel lucky at all." Grover said after a sip

"But you don' go to school and...and....your parents are not forcing you to be something you don't want to be..." Atik wished his life to be different

"Atik. Don't ever argue about parents. You should be lucky you have both. My mom passed and I am doing all I can to support my father....why, because I love him, Ou te alofa ia te ia, I do." Aroarii said to him

"You guys don't know how difficult my life is." Atik said and folded his hands as he is pissed

"Oh your difficulty is just the start. Oh Atik. One day you'll forgive yourself for all your mistakes." Aroarii saud

"What. What does that even mean?." Atik asked

"Oh we...'adapt' haha. You'll get it." Aroarii said

"Yeah. And Atik, for once, be more considerate before you talk to other people." Grover advised as he finished his meal

"Of course I do. I respect my classmates. Heck if you ever meet them, you'll realize how toxic they are. Ginda is a bossy and hot tempered so-smart girl. Macrea...the guy you just met before...is a conman...he lies....he lies to people for money...he is magician....he tricks people....he may be a good kid...but deep down he is a crook. Rita is disgusting.....more than Cake is. Igor is a show-off and...." Atik mentioned

"Wait. Igor Gudmund studied in your school?, in your class?. Grover asked

"Wait you know him?." Atik asked

"Yeah. He was a Zondar, like me, he does mr admit he is one, he would always say 'I am Igor Gudmund' that sort of stuff." Grover said

"Oh haha. Really. That's him alright." Atik said

"Yeah. And trust me. He is a good kid, and you better not disrespect him." Grover said

"Of course. Well where is he now?." Atik asked

"Dead. Because of me. That is why Xac hated me before." Grover mentioned bravely

"Oh. Oh. I. Oh." Atik reacted

"Yeah." Grover saddened

"Well. Least you ain't worst than Adyla. Oh you know. I hate Adyla. She is a brat. She is very very disgusting, really. She makes...very...very disgusting experiments....no boy would ever want to date her.she is such an opportunist, a clever revolting monster!."

"What disgusting experiments are you talking about?." Aroarii asked.


"What?." Grover confused. "What's so disgusting about cosmetics. In fact you are more disgusting called her disgusting."

"Oh please, you better meet her in person, you'll see why."

"Listen, Atik, we've all met a lot of weirdos in the conflict, so please, try not to be brat or anything, cause you are really not helpjng us at all." Aroarii said.

"I definitely agree." Grover said.

"And you know, I have Indian and Indian-American friends on another neighborhood near mines, they are all so are nice, kind, and relaxed, played cricket with them, and the first time they give me their basmati lamb, oh it was so delicious I will never forget their hospitality." Aroarii said. "But you, you are something else to be honest, you are unbearably way different for any Indian I ever meet." Aroarii said.

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