52. The Order Will Affect You

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2:30am, after a long nap, Row's phone vibrated. He then woke up, and chekced an email that Kaylee given to him.

Dear Rowenthal,

I know I keep sending you unnecessarily these emails. I know it is weird and unconventional for me to do so. But, I just want to check on you, make sure you are ok at my rented home. I know I haven't told you this but, I am tripping to New Hampshire, wandering around the world of the conflict, try to have fun, visit NH university, Dartmouth, Keene State, you know all that. Well don't come look for me cause, I know we needed more time.

And while you take you time, I just want you to know that, I love you Rowiethal, and I want you to remember to consider your approval, our approval. I know how hard I have tried to ask for your approval, but it never worked. Maybe you are right, we need more time to move beyond screaming and arguing each other. I need more time to get a hold of myself as well. It will be hard for my parents to seek approval of you, nonetheless it would be hard for me to get their approval for myself. I have been venturing on my own ever since my parents didn't want me to leave home, and trust me, none of this is 'mainly' your fault, it never is. It is my final year in college now this fall, and I believe you do too. Please don't make any trouble, and graduate next year when you do. Please stop endangering yourself and others. Please, if you can't leave Troy and Hoover alone, then seduce them to the right path, stop all that Youth Political nonsense. And please, think about it Row, one more time, before it is too late.

I will always be waiting for you Row, and I hope you realize it over the course of the time.

Once again, from your dearest future companion,
Kaylee Gigan

Row walked emptily to a cafe nearby. He paid $1.50 for a coffee and still can't bear to drink it. A lot of things are in his mind. Not only about the people, but also about his mistakes. He has been making a lot of mistakes ever since 12/12/12 haunted his mind, and he dearly missed everyone he loved so much, even those who passed this year.

"I gotta be honest with you, the first time you came here, I never liked the look of you, never really liked the impression of Rascals. But....then now that you have lived with us for nearly a year.....I am impressed, and I was wrong about you." Nino quoted in his mind in conversation with Igor Gudmund

"I see. That is ok. Sometimes, we can't always judge someone from the outside." Igor quoted in his mind in conversation with Nino

"Row. I am the only girl in the family. Gargamel is a mule. Nino is an idiot who can't stop loving me. You know, he even had a crush on Tomika before me. Xac is a......very confusing one. Igor is a rascal who looks tough but he's not. And the young ones are the young ones. They are difficult to handle with." Dorris quoted in his mind

"No. We are more than a team of independent fighting for what's right!. We are a family. ONE FAMILY!." Hoover spoken to all the IYCR on their 2nd anniversary that day

"Edison. How do I know if I made the right decision?. I had to do it Edison, and I didn't mean to hurt Kaylee's feelings." Row remembered 2012 when Kaylee's parents rejected him, and he had to reject to Kaylee back

Edison could only say; "I am not an expert in girls. None of us are. But....we make mistakes most of the time, that what makes us human. Question is it our decision to correct it, or keep it that way?. All just a delusion."

Row then laughed remembering him. "All a delusion huh?. When did that ever get relevant." Row spoke to himself

Minutes after staying at the cafe without drinking at all-even the cafe staff never seen an empty chstomer like Row before-his phone rang, Beau called him.

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