69. Connected

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Grover's training is making a slow steady progress, steadiness is good, but slow is not. Grover looked at Row's gun and tried his best to remember how Row could shoot like a master marksman, and not anything else about him that causes Grover's nightmares. Just as he thinks, Rosa and Dimaggiore returned, putting their heads on each shoulder, holding hands in a twist, closing their eyes feeling their warm bodies, while Dimaggiore wore a tortilla chip sombrero, as he and her shared and plucked a chip out, dipping the mango salsa surrounding the tip of the hat, one of Rosa's favorite salsa flavors. Many people reacted with 'wow'. They both approached the table, Grover approached them.

"Well.......this is odd." Grover approached and reacted in front of them

"Oh. Uhm. A consistent apology, I must incite, Grover. I....." Dimaggiore said. Then Rosa hugged his arm hard, giggling him and her. "I am sorry, enduring astonishing adventurous journeys, me and Rosa did together, splendidly."

"Oh it was fun wasn't it?." Smiled Rosa with lust

"Fun, it is." Dimaggiore answered back sweetly

"Ok. Ok. Well. Both of you. Finish that....hat-looking food and yet back to work." Grover ordered

"Oh we will." Rosa said. Rosa let go and expressed an Idea. "Oh Dimaggiore. Since all of us are given plain colored shirts, how about you and I paint both our shirts, with paintings, hermosa it will be."

"Hermosa?. It means......Beautiful....in Spanish right?. Well.....Ok. Do it we shall, with art." Dimaggiore said and Dimaggiore held her hand again. "Together." He smiled. They then walked to the office floor. "What is together in Spanish?. Or....united in Spanish?."

"It is Juntos but.....I believe Uno is enough. Do. Do you want to know more my friend?." Rosa answered

"Really want to know more, I do. Let us all embark, Rosamaria." Dimaggiore said

Grover cringed out and walked away, knowing the two are in a weirdly productive relationship. Grover then walked to Farrine.

"There you go Grover. That's love." Farrine said as they both looked at Rosa putting the paint and tools on the office table, with Dimaggiore taking a big piece of crust, dipped it and fed it to Rosa's mouth like a gentleman.

"Yeah.....I think differently." Grover thinks

"Love is love after all." Farrine smiled at Xac waiting about

"Like you and Xac." Grover alluded and made fun

"Oh quiet." Farrine asked him to shut up. Grover knows how deliberate love can shoot the heart

Then Brakus and Chris visited him.

"Hey Grover. Grover." Chris called

"Yes." Grover walked and listened to them

"I got something." Chris said

"We got something. Chris. Explain." Brakus ordered

"I found a way, for us to control the Hydro Power Station. Well. Not all of it. I mean. The ones that are important for the mall." Chris explained

"You do. How?." Grover asked

"With this." Chris said. He then revealed a modulator. "Behold the.....electrical modulator." Chris revealed, the crickets chirped. "It is uhm. Some sort of EMP." Chris described the charge device. Unfortunately Grover is not a boy for technology. "Ok. Ok. Well. You. You don't get it. Uhh...."

"Look. If your are smart. You are supposed to know how to....explain this thing to me." Grover held his grudges of how smart and clumsy Chris is in explaining

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