56. The Request For Quest

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Grover and Boone worked at the sea, on a silver speedboat, holding each of their rubber nets, not to collect the dead fish, but to collect the exiguous versions of oil spills, to make some small amount of money from environmental pollution.

Boone worked as hard as he please, Unfortunately for Grover, he isn't as energetic and willing as Boone is.

After Grover took an oil spill with the net, and put them in the box; "Why are you so happy about this?."

"You still need to show pride to your own scary land amigo." Boone joyed about

"Yeah thanks for the advice." Grover said

"Well come on. We need five liters of oil to get our food, don't give up just yet." Boone cheered

"Five liters take forever, even with this puny net." Grover moaned, Boone laughed at it

And just as they reached 4 liters, some adult workers splat oil on their boat and their face, and they laughed. The henchmen patrol boat nearby didn't appreciate their joke and SLAPPED THEIR OWN BOAT TO GIVE THEM A FAIR WARNING.

"Revenez au travail, bâtards!. (In French : Go back to work you mongrels!.)" said henchman #1

"La próxima vez nos tomaremos en serio tu rostro!.(In Spanish : Next time we will be serious about your face!)" said henchman #2

The jerks then buzzed off.

"Gracias!." Boone said

One of the henchman also warned Boone to work, Boone complied as he pleased, yet he still smiled for doing so. Grover ever wonders what kind of island did he strand himself into.

After filling five liters, they then docked the boat to the docks. They then lifted the heavy box together. The henchman then gave them their reward, they both took their plate, to receive some canned kidney beans, that could possibky be expired too considering how granular the can looks. "You did good friend, NOW BUZZ OFF AND EAT YOUR FOOD!." Said the henchman giving the food

Boone and Grover then walked together, while eating canned kidney beans on their plate, with their own right hand, no spoon provided.

Grover was ungrateful; "Why is this so.....revolting!. Can't they serve better food?."

"Don't worry Grover, we can always steal good food on our free time." And just in time, a man tried stealing the henchmen's food, he was then brutalized by the henchmen's crowbar. "Some of us are just unlucky though."

"I guess."

After walking quite far, Grover couldn't eat the food any longer and rather be hungry and break the plate than finishing it, and Boone still is grateful and did his best to delight the food.

"Oh Grover. Come on, beans ain't that bad." Boone asked for his gratefulness

"No. It is. You know what. You didn't answer my question yesterday. Who was that girl I sometimes see spying on me?." Grover asked

"That's the First time you cared." Boone laughed and appreciated his curiosity

"Ugh. Look you are creeping me out, just answer the question....who is this......brave girl you talked about yesterday at my place?." Grover asked after being annoyed

Grover and Boone then walked into the rubbles of a broken building. "Well answer me this first then. You...you like to read books that has the king...or queen....or prince pr whatever royal is said on the title cover. You also take books that talks about kingdoms. What is that?."

"You do not want to know." Grover rejected to answer

"OY!." Called in an Ezholian kid

"Ah just perfect!" Grover whispered, and they both stared to the back to see the four Ezholian kids in the eye.

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