25. New Radicals

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"I just feel like the most horrible man to womankind, and I feel very dumb for myself. That girl tried toying me as if I can truly forget what happened years ago. She expects me to change and admit it, and that's a big weakness I have in a very long time. Edison is right. I just don't get what women want."

Row was found smoking in a bench in front of a bakery when he quoted it in his mind. Then Mr.Joseph was walking about.

"Smoke that on university grounds, you're in big trouble young man." Mr.Joseph appeared

"Yes Mr.Joseph. I really am." Row threw the cigarette in the nearby can

"Right." Mr.Joseph then sat with him. "So...........how is your day?."

"Don't know how to describe it." Row described uncertainly

"Well today's saturday, and next week is gonna be the summer break. Are you planning to do something." Row was about to answer until it was shut off. "Other than nerfing about."

"Well, you know me sir." Replied Row

"Of course. Row. Haven't I told you that you are my favorite student?." Mr.Joseph cheered

"I have heard it a million times." Row remembered every step of the time, and that annoys him

"You know, when a sapient is called a favorite, they are so notified. While you, you're a....stranding owl, you just don't care do you." Mr.Joseph describes

"Every time I care, I will be in pain sir, that's why." Row reframes

"And you still can't find help?." Asked Mr.Joseph

"H. Help?!. Why does that matter?." Confused Row

"Well either you are just a guy of delusions...or......." Mr.Joseph answered one

"Or." Row pointed out

"Or you are more than that you are a songbird." He answered the other

"I don't know what you are talking about." Row said

"I always knew you were special ever since I met you. I can feel the same as your parents up the heavens." Mr.Joseph stated

"My mother died for loving my father, WHOM, was sick and too infectious. I wish I'd took the kiss too, but I didn't. And now, I am living a life of....of hellish dump!. So wow, I am special am I?!." Row spoke

Mr.Joseph held back for awhile after his words. He then said; "There is still some kindness in you Row, maybe you will never see it." Mr.Joseph then stood up 10 seconds later. "Right Row. So....are you doing nothing."

Row then went silent, because he had an idea he considered deeply, and decided to take the chance anyway. "Mr.Joseph...............are you fine having a road trip?."

"With you?." He asked

"Umm.....yes." Row answered obtusely

"Well............as long as I prevent myself from my brother goosing me in the rack..." Mr.Joseph shook hands as an implication for acceptance, "then I am definitely ok. Where to?."

Row unlocked the Baleno. "Just enjoy the road."

Mr.Joseph entered Row's Baleno for the first time. "Nice car. One advise, quit smoking, and the car smells better."

"Quiet." Row then started the car engine

"Never seen a Suzuki in these roads." Said Mr.Joseph

"Yeah this is the latest, got it from a spin." Row revealed

"I see. Alright Row. Let's just bore the road with our eloquent wisdom." Mr.Joseph started the drive. Row and Mr.Joseph talked a lot on the way to the main highway, especially about the ways of life, the social life, and how is life, everything about life. On one point, Row arrived in the entrance, and turned to the left entrance. A key conversation was shown

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