18. Dorris & Tomika

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"Row if you're gonna be a successful man, you need to forget your past man!." Said his High School principal

"Save yourself from your pain. Save others from their pain. Heal the world, all of you!." Spoken Nanny Jones to her children

"So.....your life is bad as if you smoke everytime to make you feel like a good person?." Said Igor, in Row's head

Row then woke up, realizing it was a dream again, and Dorris laughed watching his sudden wake.

"You was like a deer or something!. Haha!. You're weird." Commented, mocked and laughed Dorris

"Eh give me privacy ok?!. Sorry if I can't control myself lately!." Argued Row

"I guess. Well. I gotta say Row. I am impressed." Said Dorris folding her hands

"About what?." Asked Row

"You....helping all of us...when we needed it." Reminded Dorris

"It was nothing." Said Row flapping his hands

"Nothing?. I feel sorry when you said that. Can't you just accept the good things you did for us?." Asked Dorris

"Can!t you accept Nino!." Roasted Row

Dorris inhaled hard; "Looks like you are testing my patience Rowenthal!."

"And what, you gonna kill me?. Go ahead, I ain't into messing with girls." Surrendered Row like a joke

"Except Tomboys huh?. Wow. You are strange." Said Dorris

"You said it, why are you here?." Asked Row

"You want to accompany me?." Asked Dorris

"Ain't that supposed to be Nino's job?." Asked Row sarcastixally

"Screw you!. Wanna come or not?!." Asked Dorris seriously

Row then thought. "Sure then. Where?."

Row and Dorris came downstairs. Nino was singing songs from Timberlake, Dorris held Row's hands and tell him to leave the house immediately before he sees. So then they rode the Baleno away from the house.

"So........where are we going?." Asked Row while driving

"We are going to Pahrump. And by the way, Gargamel said he needs you help, go and visit Enterprise when you can." Said Dorris

"Copy that. What are we doing there?." Asked Row

"Have fun." Said Dorris

"You should have with Nino." Suggested Row

"Say that name again I'll claw your neck!!." Dorris angered seriously

"Easy girl. I was messing with you. What are we doing there?, seriously speaking." Calmed Row

"I heard there is a riot in that town, it is about their mayor raising their mortgage taxes. All we need to do, is watch the fire, and enjoy." Said Dorris

"So this is a blind date?." Asked Row

"I wouldn't date a sorry bastard like you!. You men are all the same!." Antagonized Dorris

"You'll find your man soon enough, maybe he is already in your house the whole time." Row joked and mocked

"Ugh lets just get there!." Angered and pissed Dorris

As they arrived to Pahrump, Dorris ordered Row to drive up the cliffs for a good view. They reached the cliffs, Row and Dorris sat on a big rock, and watched the chaos the riots in Pahrump. Riot vans spraying water. Everyone breaking property. Vandalism. Tagging walls. Kids and teens Nerf Gunning. Smoke everywhere. A few sheriffs stand. All nothing but big trouble.

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