The Golden Thief and The Dark Prince

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You were just a child, on your way to your teenage years, the day you became a criminal. Or at least, the day everyone named you a criminal. You were an orphan, your mother died of sickness and your father died in battle. You had no money and you could not work, so you had to use your child advantage for food and shelter.

One day walking down the street, you saw a horse carrying a wagon. The wagon was covered by a large sheet and it was headed for the palace. But you could see something moving under the covers.

Out of curiosity, you stood on the back of the wagon, going unnoticed by the man because you were so small. You lifted the sheet and smiled when you saw these adorable creatures underneath them. There were at least a dozen, some were just children it seemed and the others were adults. They had fluffy, golden fur that you imagined would shine in the Asgardian sun.

"Woah," you muttered as you smiled at them. One of the little ones waddled over to you, its tongue sticking out as it licked your face. You giggled, "Hey." You pulled it out from under the sheets and laughed as you held it, the creature still licking your face.

"You look like a strange wolf," you giggled. It licked your face again. The man turned around when he heard the noise and his eyes widened in anger.

"Hey, put her down!" he screamed at you.

You looked at him, gasping as you let go of it. It fell onto the sheets, sniffing around before hopping onto the ground. "Thief!" the man yelled.

You exclaimed before jumping off of the wagon as it halted. You ran the other way, the creature chasing after you as it barked in a small voice. The man was chasing after the two of you.

"Go! Go away," you whisper-yelled. The golden creature gave a dopey smile and continued to follow you.

Asgardian citizens moved out of the way as you ran, the man after you. You looked around quickly to figure out which way to go. You knew the ins and outs of the town from being on your own so long.

You took a right, headed for an alley that was always empty and held a secret passageway to the docks. You could hide there until he left.

You ran as fast as your legs could take you, making your way to the passage. The creature, still following, slipped through after you.

The man saw you go through it and growled, he was too big to get through. You smiled and looked down at the creature that barked at you. You sighed and smiled gently, "Fine, this way!"

You kept running down, headed for the docks as the creature followed, barking all the way. "Shh!" you said, "You'll tell him where we are!"

The creature gave one last bark before quieting down. You could hear the heavy steps of the man as he followed the sound of your shuffling. You slowed down, pulling your dress up a bit more to limit the sound. Making light steps, you and the creature continued to go quickly toward the docks.

You could hear the man exclaimed and stomp on something. He spoke to someone, "I need your help. A peasant child stole on of my creatures from Midgard. It is to be taken to the king at his request."

"What does it look like, sir?" said the man who responded. He must have been a guard. Oh, no. "The girl is small, she has H/C hair and S/C skin."

"Not the girl, the creature," the guard told him.

He replied, "Ah. It's a dog, she has golden fur and she's small, just a child. I think they might be headed to the docks."

You gasped and kept running. You could hear a group of heavy footfall chasing after you then. You could see the end of the passage as you neared the docks.

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