Foggy Nights

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Your car was out being found, so you had no choice but to take the bus to return him from your Halloween costume party. Dressed in a sexy nurse's costume with nothing else but a purse and a lab coat, you stood in the foggy night of Halloween at the Devil's hour as you waited for the bus to stop by the pick-up.

The full moon in the sky definitely helped to settle the mood of some creepy Halloween night horror movie scene. You tried to look around you but you could see nothing but thick fog, so you were effectively scared.

You sighed, hugging the coat to your body as you waited impatiently. When you heard a twig snap, you were fully confident in the fact that you were a dead woman.

You looked over to the sound. Like everyone in a horror movie, you called out as if someone would answer you, "Hello?"

You hadn't expected an answer, and you knew you weren't going to get one, which is why you immediately followed it up with, "Like anyone's going to answer. But, hey, if I'm gonna go, it's going to be on Halloween, right? Throw a costume party where everyone at my funeral is a reaper."

There was a deep chuckle and footsteps coming your way and you braced yourself. "That would be interesting." The voice said, walking up closer to you.

You jumped when a tall gentleman showed up beside you. You put a hand over your heart and he flashed you a smile, "My apologies, I did not mean to scare you."

You shook your head, "No, don't worry about it. It's just Halloween playing tricks with me, I guess!" You laughed a little and said, "Imaginations can sure run wild."

The man nodded with a light chuckle, "I suppose they can." You squinted your eyes to see him, but the fog was too thick to make anything out. If you couldn't see, how would the driver be able to?

"Crazy dog tonight. Halloween really went all out this year, didn't it?" You asked, trying to make conversation so the silence didn't make you believe you were going to die again.

He nodded, "Yes. It's ridiculous, to be honest. But it does set the mood."

You nodded with a smile of your own, "It certainly does. I've always loved Halloween. It's my favorite time of year."

The small laugh from the man next to you let you know he was smiling as he said, "Mine as well. I'm always a king for Halloween."

You chewed on your grinning lip and said, "I went with a nurse, as I'm sure you can see. I had to take the bus to a party cause my car broke down and now I'm realizing I have a better chance catching a cat while fishing than I do of getting a safe trip in this fog."

He laughed at your metaphor and you asked, "So what's your name?"

"I am Loki, and you are?" He asked.

"Y/N." You reached your hand out and shook his own, the cold contact of his skin giving you chills. But the good kind of chills.

You guessed he'd become comfortable enough to step closer to you because he was now standing properly in front of you as you talked.

After a little while, you decided that it was best to just walk, concluding the bus drive wasn't worth it. "I'm just going to go ahead and walk from here. That damn bus won't be here anytime soon."

He nodded his agreements, "I can walk with you, if you would like. I would feel better going with you than having you go out by yourself in this weather."

You gave him a kind smile, "It would make me feel better, as well, but is it on your way? I'm over on Avengers Drive and I'd hate to keep you from the rest of your night."

Now that he was closer, you could faintly see his eyes light up, "Actually, I'm over on Asgard Drive. Even if we weren't close, you wouldn't be keeping me from anything but a night of horror movies with my oaf of a brother."

You laughed, "I know how you feel, I have an older brother and a younger sister who love horror movies, I'd rather watch Nightmare Before Christmas or Hocus Pocus, my Halloween tradition."

You both started walking down the road, having both walked or drove down to your houses enough to know the way. He nodded, "Mine, as well. But he insisted we do horror movies. I honestly have no taste for them."

You nodded in agreement. The walk was longer than it would have been with the bus, but it was pleasant, as you got to speak with Loki.

When he walked you up to the front steps of your house, you stopped and turned toward him, "This is my stop. Thank you so much for walking me here."

He shrugged, "It was my pleasure." You bit your lip and asked, "Would you maybe wanna come inside for some coffee? Tea? Maybe ditch horror movie night and watch some Halloween classics with me?"

He smiled broadly at you, "That would be wonderful, thank you." You unlocked your door with a large grin and allowed him inside.

"Well, then, make yourself at home." You told him, stepping out of the way as he stepped in the house with a smile pointed toward you.

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