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You were going to the public library to check out some new books to read. As you walked in the store with your messenger bag, holding your latest books.

You went to the desk and turned them in. "How'd you like the books, Y/N?" The librarian asked. You responded, "They were great. Thanks. I'm gonna go check out more books, you know where I'll be."

You both smiled at each other and left. You went to the fantasy aisle and saw a man there. You kept your distance, occasionally glancing at him.

He pulled a book out and started looking through it. You saw the title and said, "That one sucked."

He spoke, "I beg your pardon?"

You thought in your head, Shit, I said that out loud. You stuttered, "Um, I mean, that one was not as good as it could have been."

He put the book back and turned fully to look at you. He walked up to you and folded his arms. Shit, shit, shit, shit! You thought in your head.

He asked, "What would you recommend, then?" You blushed in embarrassment and stuttered, "Uh-" You turned and picked up a book behind you that you had already read.

You handed it to him and he hesitantly took it. He flipped through the book and read the summary on the back.

When he closed the book, he looked back at you. "This better be good." He turned to go and check out the book.

"How rude." You mumbled to yourself when he was out of sight. You grab a random book and left to check it out.


You found a book you forgot to turn in to the library in your room. Since you finished the book you just checked out, you decided to go turn them in.

You walked to the library with your messenger bag, containing the two books. "Hey, forgot to turn in a book." You said to the librarian.

She said, "It's fine, Y/N. Did you enjoy the recent?" You nodded. You then turned to check out another book.

You saw the same tall, raven haired, pale skinned man from last time. You sighed and looked at the books on a shelf.

The man saw you and walked up to you. "Hey, the book you recommended a few days wasn't bad. Quite the opposite, actually." He said.

He scratched the back of his neck and you smiled slightly. "See?"

He introduced, "Um, my name is Loki of Asgard."

You chuckled, "Um, I'm Y/N....of....New York." Loki chuckled and looked behind you.

"Oh, this book is great." He said, reaching beside your head and grabbing a book.

"Haven't read it yet. Thanks. I'll get to reading it." You see another book on the other side of the isle. "This one is good as well." You said, grabbing the book.

Loki nodded, "I'll read it. Thank you." You both grabbed the books from each other and went to go and check it out, after getting a couple more books.

After you both walked out of the library, Loki stopped you. He scratched his neck nervously. You could see a light blush in his pale cheeks as he asked, "Would you like to, uh, get a coffee with me sometime? I've never had it, but I hear it's good."

Your eyes go wide, "You've never had coffee?" Loki shakes his head. You blush slightly and nod, "Yes, I would love to."

He smiled, "Great. Um, 9:30 tomorrow?"

You nodded, "Sure. See you then. Maybe I'll bring some more book suggestions."

Loki smiled and you turn to leave after putting your new books in your bag. "Bye, Loki."

He told you, "Goodbye, Y/N."

As soon as you got home, you closed the door and freaked out. You jumped on your bed and squealed like a middle schooler who had been asked to the dance by their crush.

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