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You were leaving a coffee shop with an old friend of yours. You hadn't seen him in a while and you both decided to hang out one morning.

You said your goodbyes to him and gave him a hug. You smiled at him as you waved goodbye. He waved back and you both started walking your separate ways.

You put your hands in your pockets and smiled, walking away.


"Hey, Loki. I'm going out for a bit. Be back later." Y/N told me.

"Alright. Goodbye, love." She walked away.

I sat up in the bed. She doesn't usually leave without me. What's going on? No, no. I'm not going to spy on her. If she wanted to bring me, she would've. But, why didn't she?

I went to my window seeing Y/N walking down the street. I thought over whether or not to spy on her or give her her privacy.

I chose the first.

I teleported to the alley next to where she was about to walk. As she passed by me, I hid behind the wall. I peeked me head out when she kept walking.

She finally turned into a coffee shop. I teleported over and peeked inside. She walked up to a man and hugged him.

"What?" I mumbled. They went to a table and began to order. I paced down the sidewalk for the past two hours they were talking. Occasionally, I would look inside to see her smiling and laughing with the bastard.

Afterwards, they both stood up and began walking out. I hid behind an alley and watched ad she hugged him and walked away smiling.

I felt angered, betrayed even. Why was she snooping around behind my back?


You walked into your shared bedroom with Loki. He was pacing the room, clearly pissed. "What's wrong?"

He snapped his head to you and you furrowed your brows. "Oh, I don't know, love." You took a step back from the hostility in his tone.

"Loki, what's going on?" You asked, concerned and slightly scared. He asked you, "You tell me. Who was that man you were laughing with at the coffee shop?"

You eased up, "Loki, were you spying on me again?"

He raised his voice slightly, "Don't change the subject. Are you cheating on me with some bastard?"

You took a step back, "No, Loki. Why would you think that?" You stepped up to him and placed your hand on his cheek. He yanked his head away.

You stepped back again. "Then why are you sneaking around?"

"He was an old friend. I would never cheat on you, Loki."

You felt tears run down your face as Loki jerked his head away from your view. "Do you really not trust me?"

Loki turned to you and then turned back away. More tears streamed from your eyes as you yelled, "Fine!" You ran out of the room.

When you got tot he elevator, you finally heard Loki yell, "Y/N, wait!" He ran down the hall to you but the elevator closed before he got to you.

You cried in the elevator. When it got to the floor you got off on, you ran out of it. You pushed passed some of the team in the hall. "Y/N, what's wrong?" They would ask, but you just kept running.

You finally got to Tony's room. You knocked on the door repeatedly as you waited for him to answer.

The door finally opened, revealing Tony. "Hey, Y/N- What's wrong?" You ran into his room and started pacing around.

"What happened?" Tony asked. You cried, "I was g-going to see an old f-friend of mine to hang out for a bit! Lo-Loki spied on me and now he th-thinks I'm ch-cheating on him and he's so hell bent on it! A-And apparently he w-won't believe me that I'm t-telling him the truth!"

You cut yourself off as you sobbed. Tony walked over to you, hugging you. He lead you to sit on his bed next to you.

"Reindeer Games being the dick he is?" He asked.

You glared at him through your tears, "Tony, I'm not in the mood."

After a moment, you started sitting up, still crying. "Y'know, this was a bad idea. I-I'm going to go to Tasha's room."

Tony urged, "No, I'm sorry."

You got up and opened the door, "It's fine." You left the room and headed for Natasha's.

You got to her room, tears still in your eyes. You knocked on her door until she answered. "Okay, okay! I get it! What do you wa-"

She saw you and said, "Come in." You walked inside and she closed the door. "What happened?" She asked, sternly.

You sat on the bed and she sat next to you, placing her hands on the sides of your arms. "Loki thinks I'm cheating on him and he doesn't trust me enough to know that I'm not."

Natasha let you lay on her lap and pet your head as you cried. She didn't need to say anything. She knew you didn't need words, you just needed the comfort that she'd be happy to provide for you.


You had finally stopped crying. You were in Natasha's room still and she turned on the TV as the both of you watched a movie.

There was a knock on the door. You said, "It's probably Tony or Wanda."

You got up and answered it, saying, "Hey. What is i-"

You stopped when you saw Loki. You kept an expressionless face while his looked like he was sad. You asked, "What?"

Loki asked, "Can I talk to you?" You were quiet for a moment before turning around to look at Natasha. "Tasha, I'll be right back."

She replied, "If you need an assassin, you know where to find me. No one will find his body." You smiled slightly and left the room.

You closed the door and walked with Loki to your shared room. "What do you want, Loki?" You asked, plainly.

Loki kneeled before you and grabbed your hands in his large, cool ones. You just watch him with a straight face, ignoring the slight happy feeling in your chest.

He told you, "Y/N, I am so sorry I hurt you. I didn't mean to. You are my Queen and I would never intentionally do something to hurt you. I just get so jealous so easily. I do trust you, with all my heart, with my life. It's just hard for me to get over the fact that you have other people who care for you, whether I like the person or not. I am truly sorry. I love you with everything I have and am. Will you forgive me?"

You were silent for a few moments with a few tears in your eyes, building suspense. You watched his face twist in sadness, regret, and hopelessness.

You finally told him, "Loki, I love you, too." You saw him smile slightly at your words.

You then told him, "I have a friends. Friends who care for me, and some of them are going to be guys. But I love you. You might not approve of them, but they are my friends. You are my king, Loki......and....I forgive you. I love you."

His face lit up at your forgiveness, overjoyed that you would set aside his stupid actions. You smiled and kneeled in front of him. You hugged him tight as he held you.

When you pulled away from the hug, your lips joined in a sweet kiss. Loki stood up and held out his hand to you. You took it and you both heard clapping by the door.

You looked over and see Tony and Natasha. Tony said, "Very nice. But, Rock of Ages, next time you hurt Y/N, I will end you."

Natasha nodded, "And I'll help."

You rolled your eyes and asked, "Why are you two here?" Tony replied, "I came to apologize for being so insensitive earlier."

You nodded, "So for being so you earlier?" Tony put a hand over his chest and said, "Wow. That hurt." You laughed and Natasha added, "And I came to make sure Laufeyson here wasn't screwing up again."

You laughed and Loki nervously chuckled. He bent over and whispered in your ear, "I love you, my Queen." You smiled and kissed his cheek.

Loki x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now