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"Brother, I have news from Asgard!" Thor announced as he marched into the library.


He was harshly shushed by the both of you. You loved doing that. "This is a library, do try to be quieter, Thor," Loki scolded.

Thor rolled his eyes and said, "Father wants you to find a representative to track your progress here as an Avenger as soon as possible. We're going to Asgard once you do."

Loki silently looked up at his oaf of a brother. He sighed and nodded, "Fine." He would rather not waste his wits responding to his brother, so the simple response would suffice. For now.

You raised a brow and looked over at Loki. Thor spoke again, no more quiet than before, "So who will you choose?"

He took a moment to think, his tongue darted out to lick his lips. You rolled your eyes, he was such a tease. He finally spoke with a smile on his face, "Why don't you be my representative? The others wouldn't want to do it, how about you?"

You thought over that, you'd never been to Asgard before and Loki was your friend. It wouldn't hurt. "Course," she said, "I would love to."

And she did have questions of her own to ask the king.

"Perfect," he said, "Let us prepare then."


"Are you ready?" Thor asked you, taking the three of you to the Bifrost site - Stark had it set up because they came and went quite often and he was getting tired of his grass getting destroyed.

You lifted your suitcase and smiled, "Yeah."

The team was lined up to say goodbye. Natasha asked, "So how long will you be gone?"

"Quite a while, actually," Thor said, "We aren't certain. These things, these relationships with my father, can take a lot of time. But we will try and be back as soon as possible."

They nodded and did their hugs and goodbyes. You took your place next to Loki, who wrapped an arm tightly around you. You looked up at him with a raised brow. "Trust me," he said, "You'll want to hold onto me during this."

You did trust him so you decided to just wrap an arm around him and be done with it. Thor raised his hammer and announced, "Heimdall, open the Bifrost!"

The lights came crashing down around you and you gripped Loki tightly, burying your face in his chest. He chuckled lightly, holding you close to him securely. You always thought it would be fun to take the Bifrost, but it was terrifying and you couldn't help but feel like you would be thrown out of it if it misbehaved or something.

"You can open your eyes now," Loki said shortly, slowly letting go of you. You peeked out and quickly adjusted yourself. You were now with your feet planted firmly on the ground and had dignity again.

You cleared your throat, "Thanks."

A large man stood with a sword not far from you. The sword was around your height and it was honestly intimidating.

"Welcome to Asgard, Prince Thor, Prince Loki, and fair Y/N," he greeted. This must be Heimdall.

"Y/N, this is the gatekeeper, Heimdall," Loki introduced.

Called it.

You smiled and nodded, "Hello, it's wonderful to meet you."

"As it is to meet you," he responded, "The guards have come with your horses."

"Thank you, Good Heimdall," Thor said. Loki lead you over to where the three horses were posted. He asked, "Do you know how to ride?"

You nodded, "Of course, I'm not an animal."

Loki x Reader OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang