That Damn Position*

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It was just that damn position. That damn position that inspired the images and ideas in your head.

First, he was searching for something he dropped. You walked into the room with him searching under the couch on all fours. He straightened his back, whipping his hair back as he sat up on his knees. He smiled at you and winked, "Hello, darling."

You grumbled, blushing as you went to look away from him. You knelt down in front of him, grabbing what he was searching for from under the couch and shoving it in his hands.

You then stood and plopped down on the couch, opening your book and flipping through it to distract yourself from the smirking Loki. You glanced at him, "Dumbass." He chuckled breathily and sat down next to you.

The next time it happened, you were bent down to tie your shoe when he swished your hand away and bent down to tie it for you. Instead of just kneeling down on one knee, he got on both used his nimble fingers to tie your laces.

Then you stood with a thank you, expecting him to stand with you. Your breath hitched when you looked down at him still kneeling in front of you, strands of hair in his face and his head tilted up at you.

Your mouth hung open slightly as you looked down at him, raising a hand to tuck some hair behind his ear. He licked his lips as you bit yours before quickly pulling away and leaving the room to compose yourself again.

Then it happened again. It was late, the sun had already set, and you were in the bedroom reading. Loki walked into the room without a shirt, running a hand through his hair. "Hello, love," he greeted.

You waved, still sat at the foot of the bed with your book. When you did not look at him, he stood at the edge of the bed and raised a brow. "Good book?" he wondered.

You simply nodded, your nose still stuck in the book. He sighed and knelt down in front of the bed, looking up at you to get your attention. He ran a hand through his hair again, his hands set on his lips as he waved a hand to grab your attention.

"Hello?" he asked in a sing-song voice. "Anyone in there?"

You looked at him over the book and sighed, setting it down. "What's up?" He raised a brow at you.

"My need for attention," he answered. You chuckled and moved to throw your legs off the bed. "Clearly," you told him. You bent down to him and pressed a kiss to his lips. He smiled, loving your way of giving attention.

He flicked his hand and soft music began to play in the background, the sultry sounds of the singer filling the room and setting a mood. You pulled back and rolled your eyes at his antics. He simply bobbed his brows and flicked his hand again, the lights dimming as candles were lit around the room.

"Dumbass," you whispered to him before kissing him again. His tongue swiped your lower lip and he let out a soft hum. "Your dumbass."

You chuckled gently and then stood to walk away. He did not get up, but he did turn around as he questioned you. "Where are you going?" he asked.

You shrugged, "Dunno. I'm kind of hungry."

He waved his hand and the door shut in front of you. You turned and raised a brow. He shot you a smirk, one that sent a wave of heat rushing over you. "Come now, love," he spoke, his voice low and teasing. "Don't be like that."

You stood there and watched him for a long time before he flicked his fingers and your shirt was gone as well. You rolled your eyes and smirked back atg him, "Fine, since you're going to be like that."

You walked back over to him, still knelt down before you, his head thrown back to look up at you in a way that drove you crazy. You bent down and kissed him again and he delighted in the kiss. His hands reached up, grasping your wrists gently.

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