Lucky Cauldron*

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It had been so long since you'd been properly and thoroughly fucked. Needless to say, you were feeling tension and frustration. You couldn't just use some spell to not be sexually frustrated constantly and you didn't have a partner, so your option was to either deal with it or deal with it.

You chose the latter.

After a lot of work, you had a blind date and you were ready to deal with your frustrations.

Problem? You've never been on a blind date before, nor have you ever had a one night stand. You would just do what you could until you found a partner you could actually connect with. One night stands weren't really your thing.

But, alas, here you were getting ready for one with a short, tight dress on. You paired it with loads of bracelets, a characteristic you found was your peculiarity, keeping them as classy as possible so it paired well with your simple diamond earrings.

If you were going to do this, you would do it in style, right?

You tapped your wand against your chin as you looked around the room. "Where's that cauldron?" You asked yourself as you searched the house, calling for it.

"Emory, where did you go?"

You turned when you saw a big, black thing peeking around the corner. "Hm...I wonder." You muttered loud enough for the cauldron.

You began walking over there, facing away from it. When you got around the corner, you quickly grabbed the cauldron, holding it still. It tried to run away from you and you said, "Hey, hey, hey. Stop it."

You got out your wand, tapping it twice before the large item turned into a small cauldron. You smiled and snapped it on a bracelet.

"There's my lucky cauldron." You smiled. That cauldron was your first ever one. Whenever you used it, there was little to no chance of a brew going wrong.

It was your lucky cauldron. Whenever you needed a little bit of that, you'd shrink it and put it on one of your many bracelets. Emory overall liked being carried with you wherever, but it was stubborn and didn't like being small.

It squirmed, tinkling like a bell against the bracelet and you pat it twice. "Chill, Em. I need a little luck for tonight. So, you know what to do." You commented. It calmed down then and you smiled, "That's the spirit."

You got your stuff together and left the house, heading off to your destination. "Wonder if I'll find a black cat on the way. Extra luck wouldn't hurt." You chuckled lightly, which made Emory tinkle again.


You had to admit, your date was drop dead gorgeous. He was so beautiful and you could barely keep your eyes off him.

His skin was pale without looking sickly, his black hair was slicked back nicely instead of smothered in grease, you didn't know if that hair has ever come in contact with grease in all of its existence, and his green eyes glistened with mischief. He was very tall and lean, he had muscles but he wasn't covered in them like he was some sort of bodybuilder. He was perfect.

His smiles and smirks were genuine and he wasn't cocky. He spoke and he listened with such interest in what you had to say, and it only added to his points. So far, the date was going perfectly.

Like a true gentleman, he had insisted on paying for the drinks and, unlike a handful of guys you'd gone out with, he was a huge listener.

Halfway through the night, a few drinks in but nowhere near enough to bring you to sweet drunkenness, you started getting more affectionate. Before, you made sure to keep the space between you and Loki enough so you had personal space for yourselves. As you settled in a little more, you moved closer, reaching out to touch him every now and then, getting more personal with your movements. This did not go unnoticed by Loki, nor did he seem to mind one bit.

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