I Choose You

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You and Loki had become the biggest news of the decade throughout almost the entire world, well, kinda. That might be an exaggeration, but the bottom line is that you and Loki were one of the biggest couples around.

Loki treated you like a queen and a goddess wrapped in one. You could never have met anyone better, but he often questioned whether you were actually happy with him. Which was strange, because he always got the same answer.

"Loki, I've told you before, I'll tell you again, and I'll tell you a hundred time. I love you and there's nothing in this universe that could stop that." He smiled at you and kissed your forehead. You pouted, pulling him down by the lapels of his shirt and kissing him firmly. He chuckled, wrapping his arms around your waist and telling you how he loved you more than the moon, the stars, the sun, and all the realms in the world.

Let the bough break

Let come down crashingLet the sun fade out to a dark skyI can't say I even noticed it was absentCause I can live by the light in your eyesI'll unfold before youWould have strung togetherThe very first words of a lifelong love letter

You were recruited as an Avenger for your ability to shapeshift. It was a pretty handy skill and it helped you get away with a lot of stuff. You could be very sneaky and quite mischievous and that was another reason Loki loved you so much.

You'd been minding your own business, waiting for Loki to return home from an errand. You'd finished baking a cake out of complete and utter boredom and some of the team had come swarming around to get a piece.

"Wait, wait, wait! Damn barbarians! You'll get a piece. It's not small." You said as you moved the cake toward you to protect it. "Back, I say, back!" You yelled.

The team sat on the stools and pouted, waiting for their cake to be served. When the elevator dinged, you looked over to see Loki getting off. You smiled and looked at Natasha, "Nat, guard the cake and I'll get you an extra slice." She smirked and began to guard the cake as you turned to go greet Loki.

He smiled, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you in for a kiss. "Hello, love, did you bake again?"

You shrugged with one shoulder, "I got bored. You were gone too long." Loki let out a chuckle, "I was only gone for an hour and a half, how did you manage to bake an entire cake in an hour and a half?"

You smirked, "I have my ways."

"Hey, lovebirds, we want cake!" Tony yelled from his spot. You rolled your eyes and walked over to the cake, slicing it as you spoke with Loki, "So, how did the errand go? Did you get what you needed?"

"I most definitely did." Loki smiled, taking a spot next to you. He placed his hands on your waist as he looked over your shoulder and watched you slice the large cake. "What was it?" You asked, moving the pieces to a plate.

He chuckled and kissed your cheek, grabbing a plate and heading to the living room. You rolled your eyes with a smile. Another surprise, huh? We'll see about that.

"Worry about him later, I want my cake!" Natasha complained, shoving her plate in front of you. You rolled your eyes and gave her the cake you promised. She smiled and headed to the living room as well.

You finished serving the misfits their cake. Afterwards, you headed over to the table where Loki had left the bag he'd come in with. You inched forward slowly and reached out for it.

A cold hand lightly smacked the back of yours and you looked up, "What? You didn't think I'd leave it unguarded, did you? I know how you are, love." You pouted and he patted your head gently, "Run along. You'll find out soon enough."

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