Haunting of Odin Manor

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After a lot of persuasion, Darcy had managed to bring you out to the Haunted Manor of the House of Odin. Every Halloween, the House of Odin contributed to the night of Halloween by making a haunted house of their old manor.

There were a ton of cars out in the front and crowds of people dressed in costumes. The lore of the house is that on Halloween night, the ancestors of the Odin Family came in the form of ghosts and spirits and, the only way to avoid harm was to wear a costume, a mask recommended. They wouldn't let anyone in the manor without a costume.

You went with Darcy and Jane with reluctance, dressed as Sarah Sanderson from Hocus Pocus.

One reason for your hesitance, you didn't like Jane. The second reason for your hesitance, you were superstitious and believed in the story of the Odin Mansion.

You gave your ticket to the person standing at the entrance. The mansion was a free attraction, but the ticket was to confirm that you had an approved costume.

You looked around cautiously as you all were led into the mansion, the large group of people who had also come were in their groups as well.

Darcy grabbed your arm and smiled, "This is gonna be so fun! Maybe we'll find a ghost."

Jane rolled her eyes with a smile, "Darcy, ghosts aren't real. This is just an attraction, remember?"

Darcy shrugged, "The Alamo is an attraction, yet that happened."

Jane sighed, "Because that's history. But ghosts are not real."

You spoke up, "Have you ever seen a ghost?"
"No." Jane said.

"Then how do you know they aren't real?" You asked her with a raised eyebrow. Jane shrugged, "Because I haven't seen them."

"You can't see air, but you know it's real, right?" You asked. She backed herself up, "Well, you can feel air."

"Exactly, you may have felt the presence of a ghost before, but since you hadn't seen it, you didn't think it was a ghost." You told her, matter-of-factly.

Jane promptly shut up, fiddling with her dress. Darcy broke the growing tension as she said, "Well, let's get on with the horror show." She patted her pocket.

"Whatcha got there?" You asked. She simply replied, "A taser."

You face palmed, "You're going to taze a ghost?"
"Any better ideas?"

"Yes, in fact." You pulled a container of salt from your bag, "I brought salt."

"And I brought common sense." Jane commented.

You went to say something when someone jumped out of a corner, effectively scaring all of you. You screamed, people behind and in front of you joining in your terror at the sudden jumpscare.

You clutched your heart and kept walking. Darcy smiled, "That was awesome! But I will admit, I almost tased him."

You rolled your eyes as you continued catching your breath. The tour went like that for a while, jumpscares, walking into rooms to find interesting characters, such as zombies, vampires, Frankenstein's creation, bats, cats, headless people, body-less people.

You were effectively terrified each time and had to admit to throwing salt at a few demonic things. But something had caught your eye when you had been going through the tour.

After being scared, you'd seen a pale and mysterious...thing hiding in the shadows of the manor that was looking at you. You assured yourself that it was just a part of the tour, but the second time you'd seen it, it was in a completely different room all the way across the manor. It stared only at you.

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