The Alpha-Beta

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The full moon was out tonight, there was no escaping that. You used to love gazing up at it those wondrous nights, but you never had a proper chance to anymore.

On every full moon, you were forced to become a wolf. How you long to just watch her lady at night, but no longer were you able to. So, you stumbled into the forest that evening to prepare for that night's shift.

Your pack was already ahead of you, save for the Beta and your dearest friend, Natasha. You both shifted together and howled your greetings to the moon before rushing off.

You ran off into the night, playing and hunting as you ran along. It was peaceful and you were far enough away that you weren't with the pack, but within howling distance so you could get over to them if you were needed.

While you ran, you stopped short and sniffed the air, a small growl in your throat. You used the pack connection to talk with Natasha. She turned to you, "What's wrong?" You pointed your head in front of you and crouched slightly, "Wolves. Not in our pack." She got the jist of it and crouched as well.

You could smell two other wolves coming your way. One was an Alpha, the other was a rather strange Beta. Or was he an Alpha, too? You couldn't tell. Strange...

The two wolves made their way through the trees ahead of you and you and Natasha stayed silent. The wolves saw you and stopped short.
They weren't real wolves, they were werewolves just like you two. But why were two Alphas, or an Alpha and a Beta? Or... You still couldn't tell. Why were they here?

You debated whether or not to howl. Was it the best idea? They were at least Alpha-like, they could easily feel threatened and kill you both.

You decided on staying quiet, staring the two of them down. The for-sure Alpha had golden-ish fur, he was bigger and was built for fighting. The other one, the strange wolf, he had raven black fur and wasn't as big as the first one, but just as tall. He didn't seem the fighting type, but you could sense that he could easily take you down.

As an Omega, you could sense the different ranks of wolves way easier than other wolves, but it was so strange, still. You couldn't tell what rank the Alpha-Beta wolf had. Natasha shook, sneezing a little. She had no clue what he could rank and it was bothering her. "What is the second one? I can't tell."

You sat down and straightened up, a sign of peace. The black wolf took your offer and sat as well, knowing you meant no harm. Natasha was hesitant, but she sat as well, still on guard but trusting your judgment enough.

There was no hostility coming from the black wolf, but it was rolling off of the gold one. You sneezed and looked at the gold wolf, tilting your head.

He glanced at his friend and sneezed himself, deciding to sit down but staying on the same guard as Natasha. You looked at the black wolf again, tilting your head a slight more before slowly standing and approaching him. "What are you doing?" She asked.

The black wolf inclined his head, seemingly trying to keep it away from you. You stopped your creeping, shooting him a look. You were a strange submissive. You would not willingly show off your submission unless you felt like it, or thought it was safe to.

You could sense that this wolf was not very willing to take close steps. You laid down and bowed your head in front of him, showing that you were going to make any moves to attack him.

After a moment to let him adjust, you stood up again and began moving closer toward him. Natasha watched you protectively and the gold wolf growled.

The black wolf looked over at him, growling his own warning before turning to you again. You sniffed slightly when you were close enough so you could get a good whiff. When you did, you sneezed and slowly moved back to your place next to Natasha.

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