Breathing (Pt. 2)

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The wedding had taken place so fast, your head had begun to spin. The whole kingdom came and saw as a god and goddess wed and became one.

You watched, pain tearing at your heart as you sewed it back together, knowing you were doing the right thing.

Sigyn and Loki looked so happy together, and it made you happy to see Loki with such a smile. You just wished you were the reason for it.

The wedding had passed and your time with Loki had shortened. He spent so much more time with Sigyn. When you did get time with him, you both spent it reading together and catching up on what you missed.

As the months progressed, his side of your catch-ups weren't the best things you liked to hear.

"How has it been with you and Sigyn lately?" You asked, hopeful that he had something good to say.

He shook his head a little to show you that things weren't going so well. He rubbed his face with his hand and told you, "I don't know really. She seems a little...distracted. As if I boring her."

You gave him a sad look, focusing on only him.

"After we got married, she began taking a little more control over me. She tells me what to do, what not to do. It's quite annoying to tell the truth."

You placed your hand on his, curling your fingers around it and reassuring him, "I'm sure things will be okay. It will turn out, you'll see. And, if they don't, you know I will always be right by your side to help you."

He looked at you with a soft smile and gave a little chuckle, "I know you will. You always have been."

You smiled and went back to your book. Loki's gaze lingered on you for a moment before doing the same.


Time passed and Loki seemed to be at the library a lot more often, in hopes of finding you.

When he hadn't seen you once for a week in a row, he began to worry wondering if you were okay.

When you'd returned, you told him that you had gone with your father to visit Vanaheim to see old friends.

"I had been meaning to tell you before I left, but I was unable to get a hold of you. You were off with Sigyn before I get to you." You explained.

He told you, "I'm sorry. I have been so distant with you lately."

You smiled, placing your hand on his shoulder, "It's okay. Next week, my father and I are to visit another realm. Would you like to come...if Sigyn allows, of course. My father would be thrilled to have you join!"

He smiled, placing his hand on yours and said, "I'd love to. I can't wait." You gave him a warm smile and left, going to catch up with others.

Next week had come, Loki could not.

When you saw him after you returned, he had told you that he and Sigyn had gotten into a fight.

"Oh, no! Are you okay? What happened?" You asked, giving him your full attention.

Loki sat with you and explained the fight. "She said she didn't like how I was trying to spend more time with you than with her." You took in a slow, empty breath, trying to keep your anger at bay as you did not wanting to show how much it pissed you off that Sigyn continued to hurt Loki like this.

You said with a sigh, "I don't want to be the reason your relationship with Sigyn doesn't work. I can step away if you want me to."

You grabbed your hands, pulling you closer, "No!" You froze in your spot, startled by the reaction.

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