57- One End, One Beginning

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Written: 7/1/21

Published: 7/1/21

"Hey... Do you think we should follow Ray?" Don wondered aloud. "What if he found something or... something?"

Gilda put a thoughtful finger to her lips. "He said to go ahead of him, though, right?"

Anna nodded. "Well, yes, but what if he found a clue to finding Y/n? I think should go with him."

"No matter what, Ratri will wait until all of us are present before departing, right?" Nat asked. "So logically speaking... We could go check on him."

"Should we really keep him waiting, though? Not only do we have more places to search, but he's also generously giving us the time to even do this." Alicia commented.

"Do you not want to find Y/n?!" Chris asked horrifiedly.

Alicia rapidly shook her head. "Of course not! I just don't want him to be mad at us. If we risk his fuse, he may put a stop to us."

"I trust Ray." Emma told. "I think we should go after him. We all know it's unlike him to follow emotion. If he truly had a heart feeling and followed it, it would be for some extremely special or significant reason. We can explain and apologize to Ratri all at once later! This could be it!"

"I agree with Emma." Gillian spoke.

"Me, too." Zack agreed.

"Yeah." Nigel nodded.

"Of course!" Mark and Yvette exclaimed.

"Then it's settled!" Don claimed hastily. "Let's follow after him!" Everyone nodded in affirmation as they followed him.

Meanwhile, Ray had lay down beside Y/n. He wiped a hair from her face, causing her to stir in her sleep. The raven haired male chuckled. Snaking his arms around her, he leaned his head lightly against hers. He wiped a tear from his eye as he smiled gleefully.

"I'm so glad you're safe." He whispered. "Your breathing is steady and I see no fatal injuries. You're healthy and well physically. I'm so sorry you had to wait so long. We all missed you so much. It wasn't the world we dreamed of if it didn't include you. And now, you're here! I'm so happy and relieved...... I love you."

The h/c haired girl's eyes squeezed shut tighter before opening. She had heard the faintest of a familiar, dear voice. Y/n was eager to see if it was true he was there. In contrast to the previous months and nights, she was warm.  Y/n discreetly reached into her belt for her pistol. Once she had a firm grip on the weapon, she leapt away from the live thing and took aim. She landed in her back as she used her abs to stay upright, searching for her target. When she saw who it was, the pistol fell from her fingers with a clatter. The boy in front of her was knowingly smiling. He had a cream sweater that dipped into a low V. He had a white button up underneath. His skin was as smooth and a bit pale as ever. His eyes and face were as sharp as ever and his hair was a bit messy. It was as if he got right out of bed without even giving a thought to it. He wore the watch she gave him before their awful separation. Y/n hated to admit it... But he had grown taller, too.

"R-Ray?" Y/n gaped, her eyes wide. "Is this real? Is it a hallucination? Oh crap I've gone insane, haven't I?"

Ray got up and knelt next to her. A shadow loomed over his face. The boy leaned down and wrapped his arms around her gently. He brought her close to him. His hold was firm, as if she may slip away from him. She felt his head in the crook of her neck, near her ear.

"Does this feel imaginative?" He asked amusedly with a brow raised.

A broad grin crept onto Y/n's face. "No. You're really here..!" She cried. The girl hugged him back equally as tight.

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