56- Stranded

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Written: 6/8/21

Published: 6/9/21

       It was all black. Am I asleep? Guh... I feel dizzy. If I just lay here on this hard floor maybe it'll pass. It wouldn't be a good idea to get up right now, anyway. I don't hear anything else. I'm really alone this time. Not a sound around. I might go crazy. It's kind of warm, though. I need to solve the riddle. What was it... Crap. Oh wait. Ah right. When hurt, I gush crimson yet do not die. Despite the liquid that swims inside, I am always dry. I lay inside with my kin, we shove each other against the tin. Man.. I don't even know where to start. Great. My head has stopped spinning.

      Y/n peeked an eye open. It was way too bright. She instantly shut it. Raising her hands to her eyes, she sat up. Slowly, she lowered her hands and opened her eyes. The sun shone brightly. Taking a look around, Y/n's eyes widened. There were quite a few bloodstains on the dry ground.  She covered her mouth in horror. Probably hundreds of tall buildings surrounded her. All of them were very dilapidated. A few gusts stirred up dust. Not a single living thing in sight.

      No way. I'm in a ruined city. No... a previous war zone?? How am I supposed to survive? It's risky if I travel for two reasons. One, if the others search for me and I move into an area that has already been searched, I'll be written off as gone. Two, I have no idea what this world is like. First, I need to find shelter. Any of these large buildings will do. If this is a city, I can find food anywhere probably. It may be long-expired, but I can manage probably. Water is probably the biggest issue. Do I wait for Ray and the others to find me? Do I try to find them? No. Finding them alone on the entire planet.... too much room for error. I'll have to find some way of communication or something. Wait for them to find me.

     Y/n stood up and placed her hand on her head in confusion. Her head was hot. I wonder how long I've been here. Perhaps a few minutes. Looking up, she realized the location of the sun. It's about noon. When and where the sun sets could tell me where I am or the season. She then felt a jolt of anxiety shoot through her. Where is it... Where... She stressfully roved herself. Pockets, backpack, neck, where was it? Finally, she found the locket. Y/n sighed in great relief. As long as I don't lose this, I will always at least remember their faces. Right? They're my family. I'll always remember them.

      Standing up, Y/n took a deep breath. Not sure where to start, Y/n began searching for food and water. Finding shelter in a large abandoned city with many buildings would be the least of her problems.


      Over many weeks, Y/n had successfully found a few stray cans of food and water. The first few days was incredibly difficult. The brilliant girl was forced to explore further to find any places with supplies. The days were hot with not much breeze. The land reeked of iron, rot, and mildew. The nights were fairly chilly, dark, and nerve-wracking. The animals that inhabited this area were complete unknowns to the h/c haired girl.

       It was currently night. Y/n was huddled near a small fire. Stars and the moon slightly illuminated the environment. As always, not a sound around except the occasional cracking of the small flames and embers. Small embers danced in the sky before fading away into oblivion. Y/n was shielded from the freezing ground by a threadbare blanket. She yawned. The girl had spent the whole day basically hoarding supplies. By the look of it, the rations would last about two weeks. During that time, she can gather more supplies and search for communication devices. In addition, she can try and solve the riddle. So far, there were barely any leads she had.

     Agh... What am I doing? I can teach my body to not need as much food. I'm spoiled. First and foremost, I undoubtedly need to solve the riddle. We were informed that I will never see Ray unless I solve it. Does that mean I won't remember him or that I will truly never see him? Well, he said that I'll forget him after 8 months as a rule. That tells me I'll probably see him but even if I solve it, I won't know him. That would just break him. I can't disappoint everyone like this. Ah. Who am I kidding? They're probably already disappointed in me and searching rampantly for me. I wonder how angry they are at me. Tch. That's not like them, what am I thinking?Come on. Gotta solve the riddle, Y/n. Focus.

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