41- Trauma

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Written: 2/24/21
Published: 3/11/21

Zack and Oliver returned to the underground place, injured girl in hand... no, jacket. No one knew she arrived. They were all asleep. In an instant, Anna, Sandy, and Zack were tending to Y/n's burns. Ray watched in worry.

"How bad is it?" He asked.

"They're second degree burns." Zack said. "Those take from a week to three to heal. But based on this, there shouldn't be any long term damage."

Ray sighed in relief.

Y/n opened her eyes. She saw Zack, Anna, and Sandy looking down at her. She tried to speak, but her throat was extremely dry. Anna quickly came to her with a bottle of water. Y/n desperately wanted to gulp it down, but Anna restricted it. Slowly drinking was much move effective.

"Thanks." Y/n croaked.

Anna nodded. "Of course."

"Oi..." A voice said. Y/n partially sat up to see who spoke. It was Ray. He came closer and sat at Y/n's side. "Why were you there, burned so badly?"

Y/n looked at her arms, legs, everywhere that was previously and very exposed. They were wrapped loosely with bandages. If tight, if could cause it to swell. She looked at Ray's face. He had obviously cried a bit and had a frustrated face. "I.."

"I thought I told you to come with us..." Ray said. "Why did you stay behind?!"

"BECAUSE OF THEM!" Y/n shouted. The four flinched at her outburst. Y/n felt tears in her eyes. "I... I didn't want them to die. They were obviously planning to... I thought I could save them. But... All I was... was a burden!" Y/n covered her crying eyes with her forearm. "Andrew used me as a hostage..! I... I only helped warn about a grenade! Yuugo and Lucas... are dead because of my incompetence!"

The four were silent. Y/n usually never trash talked anyone. Much less herself. They allowed Y/n to cry it out. Sandy and Zack took Y/n's hand and squeezed it. Anna ran her hand on Y/n's head repeatedly. Ray watched in shock. He had never seen Y/n so hopeless and broken. It broke his heart just to see it. How much could he take? Norman. Yuugo. Lucas. So many more...

Ray bowed his head. "Im sorry." He said. Y/n looked at him as she lowered her arm. Anna wiped her tears. "That was selfish. I'm sorry. I'm sorry you felt the need to save them. I'm sorry for so much."

Y/n closed her eyes and sighed. The other three stood up and left the two alone. Ray scooted over to Y/n. He asked for permission to lay beside her. She nodded. Sneaking beside her and on top of the blanket, Y/n rolled her eyes. She took the blanket and rearranged it on him as well, despite the aches of the burns.

Ray smiled at her. Both of their hands inched closer to each other until they were both entwined. Y/n took a deep breath. She relaxed as she slipped into the dark, comfortable sleep.


Y/n awoke a few hours later. "Y/n!" Gilda's voice yelled. "You're fine!" She exclaimed.

"Gilda..." Y/n muttered.

Gilda shook her feelings away. "We have a huge problem! Dominic and Alicia are missing!"

Y/n painstakingly crawled out of 'bed'. Nat rubbed his eyes. It was still the middle of the night. "You sure they're not going to the bathroom?" He asked.

"They're not!" Lannion said. "We have equipment and weapons missing, too!"

Y/n got up, limping. "Is anyone else gone?" Emma asked.

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