22- Using Vida Weed

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Written: 1/1/21

Published: 1/9/21

Three days later

Y/n and Ray read in a book once in the house about cooking. They thought it would be helpful to know so they memorized the subject back at the house. They served more soup to the children of plantation three and the two comrades.

"Soooo good..." Emma moaned. "How did you makes this?" She asked.

"It's called cooking." Ray answered sarcastically.

"I know that!" Emma retorted. "But how!? How could you possibly make it so delicious?"

"Eh?" Y/n deadpanned. "I just read about it and Musica gave me some tips."

"What?!" Don exclaimed. "This isn't fair! You two succeed at anything you try at!"

"That would be because they're both geniuses." Eugene said.

"Darn you!" Don said.

"You two did a great job with the fire!" Musica complimented Rossi and Eugene who shyly looked away.

Y/n and Ray noticed Emma looking at her food sadly. "What's wrong?" Ray asked.

"Hm? No, I was just thinking..." Emma said. "Sharing a good meal like this makes me really happy..."

After the meal, they showed Sung Joo and Musica the pen. "I see..." The male demon said. "You want to head southeast towards this area." He said as he pointed to a place on a map. "Then you should leave the forest from the northern side and walk around it."

"From the north?" Emma asked.

"If we went straight southeast, we'd run into wild demon territory." Musica told them.

"Take the long way and you'll meet nothing but wilderness. No demon settlements around there, either." Sung Joo added. "We should be done with the forest within five days. After that, it'll take a single day more to reach your goal. In the meanwhile, you should learn something useful. Musica and I will be your tutors. We'll teach you what you need to survive, the essential knowledge, and... skills."

Y/n and Emma now stood with a bow and arrow. They had to aim for the arrow in the center. Y/n drew the string back, all of her siblings and the two 'supervisors' watching her. She took a deep breath and held it in order to steady her aim for a second. In that second, she aimed and let the arrow go, sending it flying into the target. Bulls-eye. The children cheered. Emma then imitated Y/n's actions and hit the bulls-eye as well. The children cheered once more.

"We'll have to cross a river, and for that, there's no other option but to go outside. I'll go alone first to scout the area." Sung Joo said.

"Take care." Musica told him, grinning.

Y/n saw Sung Joo was going to go to the surface. Clenching her hopes, she walked up to the tall man. "Sung Joo." Y/n said. "Are you going up?"


"Then take me with you." Y/n requested. "I want to get a good look at the situation, too. I promise I won't do anything risky, or bother you in any way. Please."

"I understand." He replied. "However... do not, even for a moment, get away from me and form this." Y/n nodded in understanding.

Sung Joo began walking away. She followed after the tall man. She didn't notice that only Ray had noticed she went with him. Ray was worried for her.

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