He Protects You pt. 3

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❤️Newt: "AHAHA! FINALLY. I've always hated you. You know that?" You looked into the bloodshot eyes of a stung Glader. He was balding in some places and talked like a total psycho. That wasn't your greatest problem, though.
He was forcefully pushing you towards the doors to the maze. As the two of you neared the stone walls, the doors began to rumble, and close. You were screaming as loud as possible and fighting for your life. It seemed pointless against a dude who was acting like he had been possessed.
There was nothing but inches between you and the walls. Thinking quickly, you made a sharp jerk, turning away from the wall, causing Ben to bash his head. He whined and let go with one hand, but rebounded in a snap, returning twice as furiously.
"Hey," you heard a lovely voice say. That accent pretty much narrated your dreams, you were so obsessed. "Get your bloody hands off of her." Newt uses some staff he got from who knows where and jabs angrily at your near murderer.
Stunned, Ben let you out of his grasp, only to attack once more. Now he stuns you with a swift blow to the neck. You sway semiconsciously before passing out. You wake up shortly after with a painful sensation following throughout your body, making you scream bloody murder. The doors have closed on your foot.
With the help of Newt and some other Gladers, Ben is "taken care of" and your foot is as well.
Weeks later, you're limping around with Newt, right by your side. "I know how it feels," Newt says.
"Having the doors close on you?" You gasp.
"No, no, I mean, limping. It's not the same. It never will be."
"Yeah, that's a nice thought."
"I didn't mean to bring you down, I already miss your smile."
"Wait, really?"
"Of course."
You gaze into his eyes, looking for something.... Perhaps the sign that shows it's the right time to kiss his pretty face. You're not seeing it. Either that or you're way too nervous. But he does. And he takes full advantage, locking lips with you for a long kiss.

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