"You've been ignoring Carlo and everyone but me and the men. Why?"

I keep my head straight forward. "Why not?" I shrug his hand off me and head outside.


"The jet is landing." Luca announces through the earpiece.

"Get ready to surround." I order.

Giovanni walks up next to me once again. I stand emotionless as i watch the plane land, all of Santiago's words rushing through my head like a CD that's scratched and repeats that one clip over and over again.

The jet comes to a stop.

"Wait." I whisper.

A few minutes pass until the door opens and the steps come out. On cue five black SUV's pull up and the people inside them get out.


Our cars and vans surround the place and start shooting at the opposing side, men fall to the ground surrounded in pools of red.

I run out and shoot men that are in my way as I go to the steps. I walk up with the guys behind me, they immediately go to their spots whilst shooting any guards in their way.

The doors close and it's just me and four other guys including Santiago. "Ciao Padre". (Hello father). I tilt my head to the side slightly. "ti sono mancato?" (Did you miss me?).

Santiago glares at me although he looks a little scared. "Kill her."

One of his men points a gun at me and shoots, I step to the side quickly and the bullet zooms past me beading itself into the jet wall.

I look back at the guy that shot and tut. "When you hold your gun, make sure you have a firm grip like this." I show him how to hold a gun on my own. "And don't shoot straight away, give yourself at least three seconds to find your target."

They look at me confused for a second before a second guy shoots and grazes my arm. I move back a little from the little touch of the bullet but I don't make a sound. I smile and clap a little. "He gets it."

I stop smiling and clapping becoming serious. "Now move out of my way." I shoot the guys in the room all except Santiago. Stepping over the bodies I come face to face with Santiago. "Hey!" I say happily.

"What are you doing?" He grits out as the shooting outside comes to a stop.

"They're all dead out here." Luca's voice sounds through the earpiece.

I look at Santiago and smile. "I'm going to kill you, silly."

His face pales and I throw a punch to his stomach, as he bends over I grab his head and drive my knee into his face. Blood dribbles out of his nose and I notice a little on my knee. "Ew. Don't bleed on me, disgusting."

Santiago coughs and I kick him several times in the stomach as he curls up into a ball, blood now coming out of his mouth. When I stop I sit down on the floor next to him and cross my legs with my hands in my lap. "You don't look too good." I point out.

"Why?" He coughs out with a struggle. "Why are you doing this?"

This makes me even more mad and I slap him. "You disgust me. How can you not see what you've been doing is bad?"

"I was only looking after you."

"Oh. Well that makes everything better. My bad for trying to kill you." I say sarcastically with a shrug and stand up. I lean my hand down for him to take.

When he goes to take it I drive my other fist into his nose hearing a crack. Santiago let's out an excruciatingly loud scream as waves and waves of blood flow out of his nose.

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