Chapter XXV: Wake up call

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I woke up to an icy breeze on my face, I opened my eyes, I was outside. I sat bolt up right, for a moment if though this was some silly joke James had pulled or something, but no, I stood up. I was in a dark alleyway, brick walls surrounding me, I walked around to the opening in the alleyway, my head was aching. "I've been kidnapped" I thought to myself.

I looked around, but there was no one there. I walked out of the alleyway and looked around for something to locate my whereabouts. The sky was pitch black and the only light was the glow of the flickering street lights. I walked down the pathway, it was cold here without a jacket. "Hello?" I said, the street was empty, other than the few sleeping birds tucked away in their trees, there seemed to be no life in this street.

Once my eyes adjusted to the dark slowly managed to navigate my way around the town. I turned on a familiar road and headed down a darkened path. I found my own town, twisting and turning, but not as I left it. It looked different, "I'm on the other side" I whispered to myself, I cut through a couple of houses, and found the old, abandoned house, I banged on the door, it was locked, "Hello!" I yelled, "Ace?" "James!?" "Miles!?" But no one answered.

I knew where I was, but not how I got there, I continued to bang on the door until my knuckles ached, I carried on along the road. I saw a silhouette of a person coming down the street, I hid myself behind a wall, all I could think about is Ace's gun, pointed at me when she saved my life. "Where am I" I questioned myself, I slid down the wall slowly.

"When am I" this seemed to be the better question, I began to sob into my hands, I was alone at last, but I didn't want to be. I rested my head against the wall and shut my eyes, however much I wanted to get up, find my friends, get away from here, I was tired. I was very tired.

A tear ran down my cheek as I stared at the moon, where my eyes lingered for a moment before leaving me stuck in the darkness. I awoke again to the sounds of muttering, I opened my eyes to see a man in a police uniform crouched before me,"Hey! Hey! He's awake" I heard the man call, my eyes blurred again, I screwed my eyes shut and felt myself being picked up, I struggled for a second before being placed on a bed, it was in an ambulance.

I stood up instantly. The police man looked at me, "it's alright" he said calmly, I shook my head and stepped down from the ambulance bed, "I'm not doing this again" I murmured, I threw my hands down to my sides and began to walk away, the police officer grabbed me by the shoulder, before I knew what happened I had swung round and whacked him in the face with my fist. He backed away as two more men surrounded me, I looked at the officer, his nose streaming with blood, "I know your scared, but" "where's Ace" I said, cutting him off, "who?" "Don't play stupid" I said angrily, "where's Ace, where James, where's Miles" the officer looked at me confused as I began to yell, "where's Diana!? Wheres Will!? You've locked them up haven't you!?"

The two men behind me grabbed hold of me as I struggled, "let go of me!!!" "Get off of me!!!" I screamed, "who are you looking for?" The man in front of me asked calmly, I stopped struggling, "Acia, Acia Spade" I took a breath, the officers looked at one another, "where did you learn about her?" The man asked, "they haven't been teaching you about her at school?" "No!" I said annoyed, "where is she!? What are you talking about!?" "I don't think you realize young man" the man said quietly, "Acia Spade died 16 years ago" I felt my face go white, "what" I felt tears spring to my eyes before retracting, but this couldn't be true, I had seen her only yesterday, and she was perfectly healthy, and time travel wasn't real, it was all too confusing.

I stood there for a moment, just staring at the man, "but I've met her" I whispered, "you've... met... Acea Spade?" He asked, "it's just Ace" I corrected, "she doesn't like that name" the man looked at me, concern written all over his face "What about James, James Hart? And Miles King" "Miles King is a murderer, he's been in prison for the last 26 years" one of the men said harshly, "no!" I cried out, shaking my head, "enough!" One of the officers roared, "right, enough about... them, and more about what's happened to you"

He looked at me scarcely and turned away, "where's your brother?" He asked, "You were both reported missing 3 months ago!" "dead" I replied roughly, I felt everything inside me turn to dust as I said this, "dead?" The man infront of me asked, I nodded, a tear ran down my face but I wiped it away, "right" he sighed, "we're going to take you home, your dad's been worried sick!" "That's a lie" I muttered under my breath before being put into a police car.

I watched as we drove passed the old house, I longed to get out of the car, but the door was locked, instead I had to watch as my final source of comfort slid away. The car stopped and the driver got out. I didn't.

I stayed put, I wanted to stay here, in my own little headspace. But the door opened and the sharp wind cut into my face. "Come on" the man said calmly, my head jerked as this brought back the memory of the night of the fire, when I first lost Hunter. I could hear Ace's voice "Come on! Come on!" I shook my head roughly, silencing the voice, and stepped out of the car.

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