Chapter XX: Alone again

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I struggled in despair and I listened to Ace's screams, not willing enough to open my eyes. "No!" I heard Ace scream, a few more gunshots sounded, I guessed that Ace had shot one or two of the police in anger because she didn't go silent, my guard let me go and I fell on all fours.

Fearfully, I opened my eyes, I didn't know what was worse, guessing what had happened, or seeing what really did. I saw an image I'll never be able to forget, Ace on the ground, screaming and crying, rain beginning to pour from the sky, bent over the dead body of my brother.

She screamed worse than I'd ever heard anyone scream before, I tried to run over but slipped, slamming my face into the wet roof floor, blood pouring down my face, I crawled over to what, 30 seconds ago, was my alive, healthy, older brother. Miles broke free of his restraints and ran over to Ace, he pulled her off of Hunter and tried to hold her aside as she struggled, screaming and crying as if she herself had been shot.

I looked at my brother face, the ghost of fear still lingering in his wide eyes, the gunshot in his chest bleeding out in the rain, I hugged him tight, never truly intending to let go until one of the officers tried to get me off of him, I yelled and struggled more than ever until the man loosened his grip on me, he fell aside, had been hit in the head with an unloaded gun by Diana.

I watched her face, silent tears streamed down her face but even if she made a sound, it couldn't be heard over Ace's screams, I couldn't bare it, it was all to much, I looked at Ace who was still trying to break away from Miles, I began to breath heavily, I struggled for a second, gasping for air, it felt like my lungs had given up, I pushed myself away from my brothers body and leant against the bars of the roof gate, trying to catch my breath, the door to my right opened again and two people walked in, Will and James had finally found us.

James ran straight to Ace to try and calm her down, Will came straight to me, neither of them had realized what had really happened. Thunder clapped above me, as I began to breath again. Will was at my side, telling me to calm down, telling me I was safe, but how could I be safe, I still didn't know where I was, the only person I trusted was dead and I was about to be arrested for helping a criminal.

"Slow down Ash, your ok" Will began in a soothing voice, "what happened?" I pointed at Hunters still body, Will turned his head to see what I was pointing at and jumped back in shock, I watched as the color drained from his face, he didn't say anything, I was guessing so he didn't panic me anymore.

I looked around at my little group, oh how we looked different when someone had died, Ace, who could kill without guilt as I had seen, screaming and struggling to try and get to someone she barely knew. I didn't know what had happened in the hours I was unconscious but it didn't think it could be anything to get that reaction.

Diana, the one who had Killed the woman in the house while Ace watched, slumped down against a wall, her bloodshot eyes, flowing with tears, James, who had always been either provoked or angered by Ace, at her side trying to calm her, Miles, the same Miles who had thrown the first punch the night of the fight, restraining the very girl that punch was thrown at, talking to her in a soothing voice, making sure she was ok, and Will, the most sensible of the group in my opinion, cluelessly trying to both calm me down and stop himself from breaking.

About 12 more police officers flooded onto the roof, grabbing Ace who was kicking and screaming at them, Sirens blared below us as someone put their arm around my stomach, lifting me up, "your ok son" a mans voice came, he walked with me down the stairs and out of the building where he helped me into an ambulance and shut the doors on me, as the doors slammed shut I watched two paramedics close another set of ambulance doors on an unconscious, white haired girl, no longer moving, no longer thrashing about, i watched as Ace Spade had the doors to her doom closed on her.

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