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Gulf was terrified for a second when they didn't noticed any trace of Mew.

Tears started forming to make his face turn red.

He didnt waited for the cruise helpguards to arrive....he jumped even though the friends resisted him from doing so.

The water splashed as he jump. He called out for Mew only to be pushed downwards under the water.
Mew pulled him for an under water kiss and arises to the surface to get some air.

"Hehe....take a break dudes....nothing to worry...we are having some fun...don't forget tk throw the ladder down" said Mew with a weird smile to the crowd up the cruise.

Everyone cursed him for his weird behaviour followed by Gulf.

" You scared the hell out of me you shitty brat" said Gulf who is now beating up Mew.

Mew started to fight it off by splashing water at Gulf.

"Hate you" said Gulf.

"Hate you too" It's throwback time for Mew.

" You dirty pervert...how dare you say that to me" Gulf started pinching Mew.

Mew wrapped his arms around Gulf. Both are still floating over the salty water near the cruise. They get inside a ring buoy that their friends had thrown a while ago to prevent them from drowning.Mew tighten the hug. He kissed his nape.

"You taste salty Gulf"

"Do you like it"

"I want more flavour"said Mew with a wink.

"Well what more should we add" Gulf was fully drawn into Mews play.

"A little cream will go" said Mew with a wicked smile.

" Here???..now??" Gulf was curious.

"Mhmmmm" hummed Mew in a tone full of lust and pulled Gulf for a deep kiss.

The kiss was passionate. Slimy taste of saliva together with a bit of saltiness of the sea water mixed together.
Their tongues played with each other which was more like a fight for dominance. Gulf gave a slight bite to Mew's lower lip.

"I like the pain it gives, bite me more" Mew was full of heat.

Gulf savoured the lips and gave a bite to the upper lip as well.

Mew let a small moan and raised Gulf's leg to be wrapped around his waist. Gulf suddenly hold his arms onto the ring buoy to get balance.

"Can I ........mmm.....??."

Mew was impatient but was reluctant to let it out in a quick.

"I am all yours" whispered Gulf in his ears.

Mew kissed Gulf's ears and gave a bite. While Gulf was was getting into the moment Mew thrusted in.

Gulf let out a moan.

They devoured each other while Mew thrusted in and out until he come inside Gulf.

"Ughhhh ........ that was .....umm..... good"
said Gulf.

"Everything is good when it comes to you my life" Mew said to Gulf who was panting.

Gulf tighten the grip around Mew.

" I like us both warm and wet "said Gulf with a wink.

" Now you are absolutely Mrs pervert"
Mew smirked.

And they pulled each other into another deep salty kiss.


A/N : please vote and comment.

One or two chapters more. Will end it today or tomorrow. Stay tuned. :)

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