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The next day Gulf woke up to see the other side of the bed empty. He was remembering yesterday's events one by one. He had never experienced such kind of a warmth and pleasure never in his life. He felt a bit awkward to face Mew. But at the same time he was eager to see Mew as well. He was missing his warm embrace.

Gulf put on his shirt and pant from yesterday's and walked out of the room in search of Mew. He noticed a presence in the kitchen side. With a slight smile he walked towards the kitchen. But the sight  made his smile to fade away.

He saw a girl back-hugging Mew who was preparing something in the kitchen.
Gulf was taken aback. He was about to walk away but was noticed by the girl.

"Mew", she called out.

And that was when Mew noticed Gulf.
He became speechless for a second. He felt like a coward. 

Gulf  tried to change the atmosphere realising the tension Mew was facing.

"So you must be Diva, his girlfriend, right, he have talked a lot about you, umm sorry for interrupting. I never knew you was here" said Gulf with a smile facing Diva.

"Hi Gulf, I just came an hour ago, I was missing my baby. Opps I missed your wedding yesterday. Glad that I was busy with work otherwise I would have done something to spoil your wedding. I don't like to share my baby. Even if it's a drama" said Diva being extra clingy towards Mew.

Gulf was trying to avoid eyes with Mew.

"Just carry on, let me take a shower first", said Gulf and walked away.

When Gulf returned to the hall after the shower he saw the house empty.

Gulf began to unpack his luggage. He was placing his clothes inside the wardrobe when he heard Mew calling out his name.

Mew entered the rooming and was calling for Gulf's attention.

"Yes Mew", he replied after a pause, without facing Mew. He just continued with his work.

Mew went closer to Gulf and turned him to face him.

Gulf dropped the clothes that he was holding.

"The thing about yesterday " Mew was trying to give an explanation but was cut off by Gulf's words.

"It was all my fault, I should have resisted myself. It's not your fault.It was just a mistake. So don't feel guilty towards your Girlfriend."

Mew just stared at Gulf for a second and then walked away without saying anything.

Gulf felt hurt inside.At that point he wished that Mew would correct him by saying that the thing about yesterday was never a mistake.

On the other side Mew was also hurt by Gulf's words.

"So was that a mistake for him", thought Mew. That thought was killing him inside.

Gulf got ready to leave for his job as he badly wanted to avoid the awkwardness between them.

At the office Del was continuously questioning him as to why he was at the office on the very next day of their marriage.

Del was unaware that the marriage was fake. Only Mew, Gulf and Diva knew about the plan.

Del began to ask cheesy questions regarding their first night together,which made Gulf to blush a little. But it faded  when the realisation hitted him that whatever the thing between him and Mew was nothing but just a momentary impulse. Gulf tried hard to avoid Del's questions.

When Gulf returned home he found  Mew sleeping on the couch.

He removed his bag and jacket and placed it over the side table and walked towards Mew. He was wearing a black tank top and grey  jogger. He looked beautiful with his eyes closed. He took a closer look. His breaths was falling over Mew's face.

In a quick second Mew opened his eyes only to see a staring Gulf. Gulf got tensed. He was about to stand up but was pulled closer by Mew.

"So were you  about to repeat your so-called MISTAKE again" asked Mew in a slightly sarcastic manner.

"Umm... I...I was just", stuttered Gulf.

"You were just??" Mew was asking Gulf to complete what he was saying.

"Uhh nothing, I am thirsty, let me grab some water" replied Gulf by pulling himself away from Mew's hug. He began to walk towards the fridge to get some water.

Gulf opened the fridge.  He grabbed a bottle. He opened it and gulped a mouthful but he was suddenly grabbed by his waist by Mew.

"Mew"....,called out Gulf.

"Were you just thirsty for water or.....something more"...Mew's looked at Gulf seductively.

Gulf's adams apple moved up and down, sweat dripped down his neck, his eyes were fixed firmly at the charm standing right infront of him.

Gulf was losing his control over his body. His hands were about to touch Mew's nape but was grabbed by Mew.

"Wait, are you gonna repeat your mistake Gulf? Are you gonna say once again tomorrow that it's all your fault? Huh? Was this all a mistake for you" with that Mew rested his head over Gulf's shoulder and continued his chat.

" I don't know what we have done is fair or unfair, but the only thing I know is that, it fucking hurts when you say it's a mistake. My heart  hurted like hell by what you said in the morning", Mew said sounding sad.

Mew's sad words was actually melting Gulf's heart.  He was feeling  relieved all of a sudden. His words were giving some sort of comfort for Gulf.

Gulf took hold of Mew's head that was resting on his shoulder and cupped his face inside his palms.

Their eyes locked. Mew's face was so soft especially his lips. Gulf could stand no longer from tasting it again. Gulf placed his lips over it slowly. They started tasting eachother holding back their breaths.

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